Biden's Staring into the Abyss -- and So Are We

Biden’s Staring into the Abyss — and So Are We

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Yet the maladies and crises the country confronts from inflation, China, Russia, Iran, the explosion of shootings and murders in major cities, and our bleeding border are not Biden’s alone; they are America’s. They are ours. If Joe Biden fails, the country does not succeed. “‘Hope’ is the thing with …

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How We Forfeited the Fruits of Cold War Victory

How We Forfeited the Fruits of Cold War Victory

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These, then, are three of the historic blunders that have forfeited for us the unique position America held at the close of the Cold War. As 1991 turned into 1992, America appeared to have arrived at the apogee of its national power and world prestige. President George H.W. Bush had …

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Has America Lost Its Faith?

Has America Lost Its Faith?

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If we were a Christian nation under Wilson and Truman, when exactly did America cease to be a Christian nation? Here we are on the eve of Christmas, that day of joy set aside for celebrating the birth of Christ who came down to earth 2,000 years ago to show …

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What To Do About That Russian Ultimatum

What To Do About That Russian Ultimatum

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Before dismissing these Russian demands outright, the U.S. should look closely to see if there are not some issues on which compromise is possible and common ground can be found so the Ukraine crisis might be defused. “Get off our front porch. Get out of our front yard. And stay …

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Biden Holds a Losing Hand

Biden Holds a Losing Hand

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When one views his diminished mental capacities and the issues menu before him, it seems a certainty that we are not looking at a two-term president. As President Joe Biden’s poll numbers sank this fall, and the presidentially ambitious in his party began to stir, the White House put out …

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Are Autocrats Always Adversaries?

Are Autocrats Always Adversaries?

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It is the United States whose National Endowment for Democracy and its subsidiaries, and government-backed NGOs, interfere incessantly in the internal affairs of other nations to extend our democratist ideology. When did the political systems of 193 nations become the business of the government of the United States? And who …

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Sam Francis On The War on Christmas—And On American Identity

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By Tom Piatak – VDARE This year marks the 20th year in which I have written about the War on Christmas for My opening salvo against the enemies of Christmas was first published in Chronicles and was republished here, with a generous introduction by Peter Brimelow; in the Middle …

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Our Elites Claim Christmas Is “White Supremacy Culture At Work.” Their Problem: The Music Is So Beautiful

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By Tom Piatak at VDARE James Fulford writes: Tom Piatak’s great article, below, was published on January 5 of this year, in time to be the main article for January 6, Epiphany. Unfortunately, this was the same date as the Mostly Peaceful Protest at the U.S. Capitol, which led to …

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