Sam Francis On The War on Christmas—And On American Identity

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By Tom Piatak – VDARE

This year marks the 20th year in which I have written about the War on Christmas for My opening salvo against the enemies of Christmas was first published in Chronicles and was republished here, with a generous introduction by Peter Brimelow; in the Middle American News, and, in a slightly abridged form, in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette on the Sunday before Christmas 2001. I could tell the piece had hit a nerve. Nothing else I have written has ever generated so much correspondence, both public and private. It was also quoted, at length, in the syndicated columns of two men I greatly admired, Pat Buchanan [The Abolition of Christmas, December 21, 2001] and Sam Francis.

At first glance, it may seem somewhat surprising that Sam Francis would take up the cause of Christmas. Sam was not a churchgoer. But he took up the defense of Christmas because he knew, as does the Left, that countries are ultimately shaped by what they celebrate and what they don’t celebrate, by who they honor and who they don’t. Sam had no doubt of the importance of the topic, and his Christmas columns, though but a tiny sliver of what he wrote, are illustrative of his thought.

Sam thought the War on Christmas was important enough to merit a book, and he repeatedly urged me to write one. One of his emails encouraging me to do this is both funny and prophetic: “You should really do a book. It won’t be too long before books won’t be allowed.”

Sam himself was unambiguous: Americans should celebrate Christmas. Indeed, he was stronger on this point than I was…

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