Pat Buchanan Picked as Man of the Year at WorldNetDaily

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By Bob Unruh –

Inaugural honor goes to stalwart of conservative thought

Time magazine may have named Barack Obama Man of the Year for 2012, but in a first-ever honor, WND today named Patrick Buchanan as the WND Man of the Year, honoring the stalwart of conservative thought for his incisive and insightful contributions to the America of economic, military, political and social influence.

He has been adviser to three presidents, a two-time candidate for the Republican presidential nomination himself, served as the presidential nominee of the Reform Party in 2000 and churned out six straight New York Times bestsellers, including “A Republic, Not an Empire,” “The Death of the West,” “Where the Right Went Wrong,” “State of Emergency,” “Day of Reckoning” and “Churchill, Hitler and The Unnecessary War.”

He’s now an editor of the American Conservative, chairman of the American Cause, a political analyst and columnist.

His commentary is a staple on the WND pages, and his own website keeps fans abreast of the developments key to the nation.

This year, something happened to Pat Buchanan that was different than his broad-ranging experience in media and politics for a generation. He was fired by MSNBC because of the tough positions he took in his newest book on the changing demographics of America. He had been a regular fixture on American television since the early days of CNN and its “Crossfire” program. Suddenly, in 2012, Buchanan, who is saying nothing he wasn’t saying and writing 40 years ago, became a media pariah.

“What stood out to the panel of WND judges was Pat’s steadfast commitment to principle – even in the face of losing a lucrative TV gig,” said Joseph Farah, editor and founder of WND. “Pat is unflappable. He’s honest. You may agree with him or disagree with him, but it’s hard to deny he has something important to say to the American people and deserves a platform to say it….


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