Pat Buchanan

Pat Buchanan Picked as Man of the Year at WorldNetDaily

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By Bob Unruh – Inaugural honor goes to stalwart of conservative thought Time magazine may have named Barack Obama Man of the Year for 2012, but in a first-ever honor, WND today named Patrick Buchanan as the WND Man of the Year, honoring the stalwart of conservative thought for …

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Why Pat Buchanan Belongs on TV

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By Juan Williams – Fox News “Are you a racist, Pat?” That is a simple, direct question. Last week I put it to Pat Buchanan, the conservative commentator and writer, in an exclusive interview for Fox News Latino. I asked Buchanan that question because MSNBC took him off the air …

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Missing Pat Buchanan

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by Stanley Fish – The New York Times “I miss him already,” the MSNBC commentator Chris Matthews said Friday. The “him” Matthews is already missing is Patrick J. Buchanan, and in this year of a national campaign I miss him too, and have been missing him since early fall, when …

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The New Blacklist

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My days as a political analyst at MSNBC have come to an end. After 10 enjoyable years, I am departing, after an incessant clamor from the left that to permit me continued access to the microphones of MSNBC would be an outrage against decency, and dangerous. The calls for my …

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Pat Buchanan: The Noble Relic

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by John Derbyshire – Taki’s Magazine Has Pat Buchanan been fired from MSNBC, or hasn’t he? He hasn’t been seen on the channel since October, when his last book came out. (I reviewed it for Taki’s Mag here.) MSNBC president Phil Griffin said a month ago that Pat was being …

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Pat Buchanan on Ron Paul, the Internet and Ethnic Politics in the 21st Century

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By The Daily Bell Daily Bell: Everyone knows who you are but let’s pretend they don’t. Give us some background on yourself and how you have come to your current success. Give us a sense of your intellectual development. Pat Buchanan: I went to journalism school right after college and …

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The Mob vs. the Statesman

By Tom Piatak – Chronicles Magazine

For two decades now, Pat Buchanan has been warning us of the dangers our country faces. When he first started sounding the alarm, at the end of the Cold War, those dangers were hard to perceive. Now, they are hard to ignore. Pointless wars in the Mideast have resulted in thousands of American casualties and the waste of hundreds of billions of dollars. Our trade policies have led to the loss of millions of manufacturing jobs and 50,000 factories and an increasing dependence on foreign nations, which both provide us with goods we no longer make and own our debt.

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Clinton vs. Gore?

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On Saturday on MSNBC, this writer volunteered that if Al Gore would enter the Democratic primaries, he could defeat Hillary Clinton and win the nomination. Hours later, there popped up on Drudge this headline: “Al Gore Says He Hasn’t Ruled Out Second Run.” “I haven’t ruled out running for president …

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