Pat Buchanan: America’s Days Are Numbered

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Right-wing firebrand steps into The Arena
By Michael Coren, QMI Agency – CNews – Canada

The left like to throw around the term, “speaking truth to power,” which is supremely misplaced coming from them, in that so much authentic power is in the hands of social and political liberals.

Pat Buchanan is someone who has genuinely spoken blunt truth to blunt power for years, which is one of the reasons he’s not to everybody’s liking. He is to mine however, which is why he appears once again on my Sun News TV show, The Arena, Monday night.

He came close to winning the presidential nomination for the Republican Party, he was at the centre of power under Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan, he is one of the grand men of U.S .media, and his latest book – Suicide of a Superpower – is one of the most honest, and worrying, commentaries on the West in many years.

“The transformation has been dramatic and unique in our history,” he says, “and the reason America has and will lose its greatness is that we are no longer unified. Anybody can become a good American, coming from anywhere in the world. But whereas in the past we asked them to become American, now we encourage America to become like them.”

No pause, but straight into the argument. “We’ve given away what made us one. Faith, symbols of unity, the European, overwhelmingly Christian heritage of the majority who were and made the country. People could be who and what they liked, but they had to know what the national core values and identity were. No longer.”

It’s a theme many Canadians might embrace, but if they did so they’re be accused or racism and fascism. He laughs. “Sure, and so have I! It’s nonsense, but it’s still said. Look, we need in the U.S. to implement zero immigration policies. Now. And that has to stand until we reduce unemployment levels to something much more reasonable and manageable.”

Unlike many other conservatives, Buchanan has not always followed the party line on foreign policy, questioning America’s wars and its military intervention. He stresses in the book that the role of world policeman is dying. “We have troops in what were troubled areas of Europe long after the cold war, when people can drive across national borders in family cars! That war is over, and it’s time to come home. …

Read more at: CNews – Canada

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