Why Would US Give a War Guarantee -- to Finland? By Patrick Buchanan

Why Would US Give a War Guarantee — to Finland?

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A basic question needs answering: Why, 30 years after the Cold War ended, are we still expanding NATO? Russia does not threaten the United States. As for any threat that it poses to its European neighbors, let them deal with it. Seeing Russia invade Ukraine, historically neutral Finland has undergone …

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Where Does NATO Enlargement End?

Where Does NATO Enlargement End?

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It is easy to understand why these nations would want the U.S. obligated to fight on their behalf. What is not understandable is why the U.S. would issue such war guarantees. Why would we commit to risk war with a nuclear-armed Russia on behalf of nations no one has ever …

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Merkel Flips Off Biden's Protest -- to Buy Putin's Gas

Merkel Flips Off Biden’s Protest — to Buy Putin’s Gas

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Would a Germany that is doubling its dependency on Russia for the natural gas that fuels its economy be willing to go to war against that same Russia, and send German troops to fight alongside NATO? Would Berlin be willing to declare war on its own gas station? When the …

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In the Pandemic, It's Every Nation for Itself

In the Pandemic, It’s Every Nation for Itself

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For most men, the claims of the heart are superior to those of the mind… In a crisis, people put families, friends and country first. “The lamps are going out all over Europe, we shall not see them lit again in our life-time,” said Foreign Secretary Sir Edward Grey to …

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Is Macron Right? Is NATO, 70, Brain Dead?

Is Macron Right? Is NATO, 70, Brain Dead?

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Among the reasons Trump is president is that he raised provocative questions about NATO and Russia left unaddressed for three decades, as U.S. policy has been on cruise control since the Cold War. A week from now, the 29 member states of “the most successful alliance in history” will meet …

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Are All the World's Problems Ours?

Are All the World’s Problems Ours?

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After an exhausting two weeks, one is tempted to ask: How many quarrels, clashes and conflicts can even a superpower manage at one time? In 2003, George W. Bush took us to war to liberate Iraq from the despotism of Saddam Hussein and convert that nation into a beacon of …

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Must the West Beg the World for Forgiveness?

Must the West Beg the World for Forgiveness?

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Are all civilizations and cultures equal, or are some more equal than others? As the Democratic Party quarrels over reparations for slavery, a new and related issue has arisen, raised by the president of Mexico. Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has written Pope Francis I and King Felipe VI to demand …

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Mass Migration: Mortal Threat to Red State America

Mass Migration: Mortal Threat to Red State America

Among the reasons Donald Trump is president is that his natural political instincts are superior to those of any other current figure.

As campaign 2018 entered its final week, Trump seized upon and elevated the single issue that most energizes his populist base and most convulses our media elite.

Warning of an “invasion,” he pointed to the migrant caravan that had come out of Honduras and was wending its way through Mexico. He then threatened to issue an executive order ending birthright citizenship.

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