Putin Wants His Own Monroe Doctrine By Patrick Buchanan

Putin Wants His Own Monroe Doctrine

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The point of the episode for today’s crisis in Ukraine? A powerful army on a nation’s border can send a message and dictate terms without going in and without going to war. When the Union was fighting to preserve itself in the Civil War, the France of Napoleon III moved …

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What Matters Most to Nations and Peoples? By Patrick J. Buchanan

What Matters Most to Nations and Peoples?

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Their greater fear is not of Putin’s Russia but of an EU superstate whose dominance leads inexorably to the decline and disappearance of distinct ethnic nations. To the leaders of Hungary and Poland and the traditionalist and populist right-wing parties of Europe, nationality matters more than political systems. Speaking in …

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NATO -- Strategic Asset or Liability? By Patrick Buchanan

NATO — Strategic Asset or Liability?

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Understandably, Russian President Vladimir Putin asked himself: To what end, and for what beneficent purpose, was this doubling in size of an alliance that was formed to contain us, and, if necessary, fight a war against Mother Russia? Is the territorial integrity of Ukraine a cause worth America’s fighting a …

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Biden Should Declare NATO Membership Closed

Biden Should Declare NATO Membership Closed

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A Russian invasion of Ukraine and the war that would inevitably follow would be a disaster for Ukraine and Russia, but also for Europe and the United States. It would ignite a second Cold War, the winner of which would be China, to whom Russia would be forced to turn …

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Where Does NATO Enlargement End?

Where Does NATO Enlargement End?

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It is easy to understand why these nations would want the U.S. obligated to fight on their behalf. What is not understandable is why the U.S. would issue such war guarantees. Why would we commit to risk war with a nuclear-armed Russia on behalf of nations no one has ever …

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Russia Is Not the Great Rival; China Is

Russia Is Not the Great Rival; China Is

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Our great challenge in the 21st century is not Russia. Indeed, in the long term, we want Russia on our side in the long struggle between the U.S. and the West, and Communist China. While all facts are true, not all facts are relevant. And what are the relevant facts …

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What To Do About That Russian Ultimatum

What To Do About That Russian Ultimatum

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Before dismissing these Russian demands outright, the U.S. should look closely to see if there are not some issues on which compromise is possible and common ground can be found so the Ukraine crisis might be defused. “Get off our front porch. Get out of our front yard. And stay …

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Biden Holds a Losing Hand

Biden Holds a Losing Hand

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When one views his diminished mental capacities and the issues menu before him, it seems a certainty that we are not looking at a two-term president. As President Joe Biden’s poll numbers sank this fall, and the presidentially ambitious in his party began to stir, the White House put out …

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