What Matters Most to Nations and Peoples? By Patrick J. Buchanan

What Matters Most to Nations and Peoples?

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Their greater fear is not of Putin’s Russia but of an EU superstate whose dominance leads inexorably to the decline and disappearance of distinct ethnic nations. To the leaders of Hungary and Poland and the traditionalist and populist right-wing parties of Europe, nationality matters more than political systems. Speaking in …

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Is Biden Right? Does the Left Own the Future? By Patrick Buchanan

Is Biden Right? Does the Left Own the Future?

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There is another reason Biden would like to force Republicans to identify their goals. Naming them would reveal the divisions inside the GOP on priorities and open Republicans up to the kind of attacks the GOP is mounting against Biden’s agenda. Before he appeared at his first solo news conference …

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By the Numbers, a Failing President By Patrick Buchanan

By the Numbers, a Failing President

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Indeed, when one considers the political situation one year after Biden’s inauguration and 10 months before the 2022 elections, how Biden turns things around for himself, his presidency and his party is not easy to see. If the left believed that draping the Capitol riot of Jan. 6, 2021, around …

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Biden: Bull Connor's GOP Imperils Democracy

Biden: Bull Connor’s GOP Imperils Democracy

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As for calling the Republican opposition, all 50 senators, racists whose position on voting rights recalls the segregationists of the early 1960s, that would appear only to solidify and harden their opposition. But perhaps Biden is after another game here. For what this speech did succeed in doing is to …

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Biden's Staring into the Abyss -- and So Are We

Biden’s Staring into the Abyss — and So Are We

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Yet the maladies and crises the country confronts from inflation, China, Russia, Iran, the explosion of shootings and murders in major cities, and our bleeding border are not Biden’s alone; they are America’s. They are ours. If Joe Biden fails, the country does not succeed. “‘Hope’ is the thing with …

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Biden Holds a Losing Hand

Biden Holds a Losing Hand

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When one views his diminished mental capacities and the issues menu before him, it seems a certainty that we are not looking at a two-term president. As President Joe Biden’s poll numbers sank this fall, and the presidentially ambitious in his party began to stir, the White House put out …

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The West's Fear That Dare Not Speak Its Name

The West’s Fear That Dare Not Speak Its Name

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Zemmour is being called “the Donald Trump of France.” And he and Le Pen are now running third and second behind Macron in the polling to become the next president of France, which suggests the power of the issue on which they agree: uninvited and unwelcome Third-World migration. With the …

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Are Democrats Looking to the Lifeboats?

Are Democrats Looking to the Lifeboats?

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So, how are Biden and the administration he leads doing with the American people who put them into office? According to a stunning Washington Post-ABC News poll this weekend, not well, not well at all. If the 2022 elections were held this November, registered voters would back Republican candidates over …

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