Rogue President

Rogue President

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Asserting a legal and constitutional authority he himself said he did not have, President Obama is going rogue, issuing an executive amnesty to 4 to 5 million illegal aliens. He will order the U.S. government not to enforce the law against these 5 million, and declare that they are to …

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Did We Vote for War?

Did We Vote for War?

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“How do you like the Journal’s war?” So boasted the headline of William Randolph Hearst’s New York flagship that week in 1898 that the United States declared war on Spain. While Hearst’s Journal, in a circulation battle with Joe Pulitzer’s World, was a warmongering sheet, it did not start the …

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The Oil Weapon in America's Hands

The Oil Weapon in America’s Hands

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In July of 1941, after Japan occupied French Indochina, the Roosevelt administration froze Japan’s assets in the United States. Denied hard cash, Japan could not buy the U.S. oil upon which the empire depended for survival. Seeing the Dutch East Indies as her only other source, Japan prepared to invade. …

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The New South — Black and Conservative

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In 1956, 19 Democratic Senators and 82 Democratic House members signed a Southern Manifesto pledging to resist the integration of Southern public schools as ordered by Earl Warren’s Supreme Court. Only two GOP House members, both from Virginia, signed. The American South was as solidly Democratic as it was solidly …

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The Kumbaya Temptation

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Nov. 4 was a national vote of no confidence in Barack Obama. Had a British prime minister received a vote like this, he would have resigned by now. The one issue on which all Republicans agreed, and all ran, was the rejection of Obama. And by fleeing from him, some …

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Against Obama, But for What?

Against Obama, But for What?

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After billions in attack ads that turned the approval ratings of almost every candidate, in both parties, upside down, Republicans appear primed to take control of Congress. Why are Democrats falling like dominoes? Easy. Theirs is the Party of Government. And government is failing. And their leader Obama projects diffidence …

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Coming November Wars

The Coming November Wars

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As it stands today, Republicans will add seats in the House and recapture the Senate on Tuesday. However, the near-certainty is that those elections will be swiftly eclipsed by issues of war, peace, immigration and race, all of which will be moved front and center this November. Consider. If repeated …

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Terrorism and The True Believer

Terrorism & ‘The True Believer’

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“A mass movement,” wrote Eric Hoffer in “The True Believer,” “appeals not to those intent on bolstering and advancing a cherished self, but to those who crave to be rid of an unwanted self. “Their innermost craving is for a new life — a rebirth — or, failing this, a …

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