The Heightening Foley Feeding Frenzy

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Like the great white shark, a scandal must be fed, or it sinks to the bottom and dies. And the Mark Foley-congressional page scandal has not had a good feeding in 72 hours. On Saturday, the Washington Post revealed that Kirk Fordham, Foley’s top aide in 2003, concerned about Foley’s …

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Losing the Will to Fight

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by Patrick J. Buchanan Five years have elapsed since the war on terror began on 9/11. Yet even before nearly 3,000 were killed that day, there had been attacks by Islamic radicals on the World Trade Center, Khobar Towers, our embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, and the USS Cole. U.S. …

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Mark Foley’s Oprah Defense

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by Patrick J. Buchanan Like all such scandals, the matter of Mark Foley and his lurid valentines to congressional pages is instructive for what it reveals, and not just about Foley, but about his party, its leaders and us. Having checked in to "rehab," after it was revealed that he …

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Web Exclusive! Nation or Notion?

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In an address to the Young Men’s Lyceum in Springfield, Illinois on Jan. 27, 1838, a 28-year-old lawyer spoke on “the Perpetuation of Our Political Institutions.” Abe Lincoln asked and answered a rhetorical question: “At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it …

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US: More Like France Than You Might Think

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What a spectacle America at war presents to the world. A former president, red-faced, bawls his rage at Fox News’ Chris Wallace, who had asked why he had not shut down bin Laden and Co. in the seven years he had to do it. The president of the United States …

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Consult America Before Iran War

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“To jaw-jaw is always better than to war-war.” So Winston Churchill is widely quoted. Those words, however, were spoken in 1954, decades after Churchill’s voice had been the most bellicose for war in 1914 and 1939, the wars that bled and broke his beloved empire. Yet, Churchill’s quote frames well …

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The Real Issue Behind U.N.’s Comic Relief

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Not since Khrushchev took off his shoe and pounded the table has there been a U.N. General Assembly conclave to rival this one. “(T)he devil came here yesterday. … Right here … talking as if he owned the world,” ranted Hugo Chavez, crossing himself. “And it smells of sulfur still …

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The Rage of Islam

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by Patrick J. Buchanan To bank the firestorm ignited by his address in Regensburg, Germany, Pope Benedict XVI declared himself “deeply sorry” for the effect his remarks have had on the Muslim world. The words of the Byzantine emperor he quoted, Benedict explained, were “from a Medieval text which do …

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