Looking for the Exit Ramp

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by Patrick J. Buchanan It appears the Beltway bombing halt agreed upon at the Bush-Pelosi summit is over. The incoming chairmen of the Senate’s armed services and foreign affairs committees, Carl Levin and Joe Biden – and Majority Leader Harry Reid – say a phased withdrawal of U.S. forces from …

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The Return of Economic Nationalism

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by Patrick J. Buchanan – November 7, 2006 “Well, the American people have spoken, and in his own good time, Franklin will tell us what they have said.” So one wag explained the Democratic landslide that buried the Hoover Republicans in 1932. The country was voting against three years of …

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Why the GOP is Losing

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Entering the weekend before his midterms, George Bush and his party appear fated to lose the House they have held for a dozen years. The Senate is on a knife’s edge. The latest polls continue to show that by 52 percent to 37 percent Americans wish to see a Democratic …

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More Troops — or Less Empire

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by Patrick J. Buchanan – American Conservative And why do we need more troops? Because the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are going badly for lack of U.S. troops, and because, says the Weekly Standard, President Bush needs to have the strategic option to put ground forces into “Iran, North …

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November ’56: Ike’s Defining Moment

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by Patrick J. Buchanan November 1956, 50 years ago, was a month the drama of which many of us can yet recall. It was a defining moment of the Cold War. This was the month Eisenhower was re-elected in a landslide and in which he laid down, in simultaneous crises, …

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It’s Time for Rebellion Against Judicial Tyrants

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by Patrick J. Buchanan – October 27, 2006 If Gov. Jon Corzine wished to make himself a hero to Middle America, the opportunity is at hand. All he need do is inform the New Jersey Supreme Court he will neither submit nor sign the law it has ordered enacted – …

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Georgia — On Moscow’s Mind

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by Patrick J. Buchanan – October 24, 2006 With the failure of the Orange Revolution, Ukraine is being drawn back into Moscow’s orbit. Now, Georgia, another former republic of the old Soviet Union, is finding that ex-colonies of the empire pay a price for becoming estranged from Mother Russia. In …

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Is the Bush Doctrine Dead?

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by Patrick J. Buchanan – October 17, 2006 Between Sept. 11, 2001, and his State of the Union Address in 2002, George W. Bush had America in the palm of his hand. But in that speech, Bush blew it. Singling out Iran, Iraq and North Korea as state sponsors of …

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