Bretton Woods II — No Way

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“Laissez-faire is finished, the all-powerful market that is always right, that’s finished,” said Nicholas Sarkozy, speaking ex cathedra, last month. As a result, said the diminutive French president, it is “necessary to rebuild the entire global financial and monetary system from the bottom up, the way it was done at …

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Why Did John McCain Lose?

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Why did John McCain lose? Let’s start with those “headwinds” into which he was flying. The president of the United States, the leader of his party, was at Nixon-Carter levels of approval, 25 percent, going into Election Day. Sixty-two percent of the nation thought the economy was the No. 1 …

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But Where Did Bush Go Wrong?

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After losing control of the Senate and 30 House seats in 2006, the GOP is bracing for losses of six to nine in the Senate, and two dozen to three dozen additional seats in the House. If the party “were a dog food,” says Rep. Tom Davis, “they would take …

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Comrade Obama?

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If Barack Obama is not a socialist, he does the best imitation of one I’ve ever seen. Under his tax plan, the top 5 percent of wage-earners have their income tax rates raised from 35 percent to 40 percent, while the bottom 40 percent of all wage-earners, who pay no …

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Obama’s First 100 Days

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Undeniably, a powerful tide is running for the Democratic Party, with one week left to Election Day. Bush’s approval rating is 27 percent, just above Richard Nixon’s Watergate nadir and almost down to Carter-Truman lows. After each of those presidents reached their floors — in 1952, 1974, 1980 — the …

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Camp Followers

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Perhaps the only institution in America whose approval rating is beneath that of Congress is the media. Both have won their reputations the hard way. They earned them. Consider the fawning indulgence shown insider Joe Biden with the dripping contempt visited on outsider Sarah Palin. Twice last weekend, Biden grimly …

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The Coming Backlash

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by Patrick J. Buchanan As Americans render what Catholics call temporal judgment on George Bush, are they aware of the radical course correction they are about to make? This center-right country is about to vastly strengthen a liberal Congress whose approval rating is 10 percent and implant in Washington a …

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Liquidating the Empire

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By Patrick j. Buchanan “Liquidate labor, liquidate stocks, liquidate the farmers.” So Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon advised Herbert Hoover in the Great Crash of ’29. Hoover did. And the nation liquidated him — and the Republicans. In the Crash of 2008, 40 percent of stock value has vanished, almost $9 …

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