Thoughts of Recovery No 17 The Spiritual Malady Step 1

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what is the spiritual malady aa

Being spiritually sick means experiencing a persistent void that no external remedy can fill. This spiritual disease affects every aspect of our lives, leading to feelings of isolation, loneliness, and despair. It is this spiritual emptiness that we often try to escape from through alcohol and other addictive behaviors, which can also make us physically ill.

Practical Ways to Improve Spiritual Life Daily

what is the spiritual malady aa

I am just an agnostic member of AA who believes in the program of drug addiction recovery. At times, I express my personal opinions about issues that have directly affected my journey. However, in keeping with the 10th tradition of AA, the opinions I express in the book do not necessarily reflect the beliefs or positions held by AA as a whole. Quotations from Alcoholics Anonymous are from the first edition (1939) which is now in the public domain. Any quotations from sources other than the first edition of the Big Book are reprinted with permission. From my own experience, I came to believe that Bill was right when he declared that alcoholism is a spiritual illness.

  • The important thing is that you stay committed to your sobriety and continue working the program – eventually, everything else will fall into place.
  • If you are ready to change your life and live free of addiction, thenRehabs Of Armericacan help.
  • Reframe supports you in reducing alcohol consumption and enhancing your well-being.

Evolving Spiritually

what is the spiritual malady aa

You are merely instructed to be open to the idea that you are not the end all be all, that there exists out in the universe something that is greater or more powerful than yourself. However, you choose to interact with that higher power is also up to you. Whether you seek spiritual malady definition to engage in formal prayer, informal mental conversations, or merely by doing good and putting positive energy into the universe, there is no right or wrong way to pray to your higher power.

Addiction Treatment Options

However, this does not mean, necessarily, they’ve abandoned their faith. “The principles of the programme of Alcoholics Anonymous are scientific and closely follow all the helping therapies which lead people to emotional well-being. If we start by trying to recover from alcoholism and addiction and find we still have other issues then obviously address these with outside professional and specialist help.

what is the spiritual malady aa

Many people say thatalcoholics have a disease of the mind, body, and spirit. Science, in turn, points us to a more satisfying way out of the alcohol trap. Research shows that those brain changes that make it so difficult to put down that drink can be reversed thanks to the power of neuroplasticity — the brain’s ability to rewire itself.

what is the spiritual malady aa

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