Who and What Is Tearing the US Apart?

Who and What Is Tearing the US Apart?

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What is Bush saying here? That Ashli Babbitt, the Air Force veteran shot to death trying to enter the House chamber on Jan. 6, and Mohamed Atta, who drove an airliner into the North Tower of the World Trade Center in a massacre of close to 3,000 people, are “children …

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Is America Becoming a Failed State?

Is America Becoming a Failed State?

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Biden is failing in his first constitutional duty — to defend the United States from foreign invasion. We Americans no longer decide who comes into our national home and whom we shall adopt as new citizens… We defend the borders of scores of nations; we cannot, or Biden will not, …

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Are the Good Times Over for Biden?

Are the Good Times Over for Biden?

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If the Democratic Party goes into the election of 2022 defending Biden’s border failures, decrying rogue cops rather than addressing the shootings and killings, and explaining away inflation and rising interest rates as “not our fault,” the result would seem to be foreordained. Then there is the matter of race… …

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Are the Halcyon Days Over for Joe Biden?

Are the Halcyon Days Over for Joe Biden?

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But the defining crisis of the Biden presidency may be the crisis on America’s southern border… an annual rate of 2 million people walking into our country uninvited, the advance guard of a Third World invasion that will change the character and composition of the United States. On taking the …

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Biden Bets the Farm -- to 'Change the World'

Biden Bets the Farm — to ‘Change the World’

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While Biden’s $6 trillion in total spending is spread over several years, it represents a claim on the nation’s wealth equal to 30% of GDP — a figure comparable to FDR’s New Deal and LBJ’s Great Society… Where does Biden propose to get the money to pay for this great …

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Vaccine Patriotism vs. Vaccine Globalism

Vaccine Patriotism vs. Vaccine Globalism

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Is it wrong for the U.S. to ensure that every American who wants a shot gets one, before taking on the task of vaccinating the rest of the world? Is it wrong for America to put Americans first? When the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines first proved their efficacy, preventing nearly …

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Why Is Biden Creating His Own Crises?

Why Is Biden Creating His Own Crises?

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What Gov. Andrew Cuomo did to the nursing homes of New York — send COVID-positive patients back into them — Biden is doing to the USA… How do you control a pandemic when our 2,000-mile southern border is a crossing corridor for thousands of infected every single day? Our mainstream …

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Biden: No New Cold Wars or Democracy Crusades

Biden: No New Cold Wars or Democracy Crusades

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Biden’s remarks also reveal the dichotomy that exists between what is on the minds of his countrymen, and what is on the minds of so many among our foreign policy elites. “What is America’s mission?” is a question that has been debated since George Washington’s Farewell Address in 1797. At …

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