What “Big Deals” Did to America

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Thanks to Tea Party fanatics, we are told, America just lost an historic opportunity to deal with her national debt. Because of Tea Party intransigence and threats against their own leader John Boehner, the speaker had to reject Obama’s “grand bargain,” the “big deal” of $3 trillion in budget cuts …

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Obama in a Dream World

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At the G-8 summit in Deauville, France, the news was dramatic, delivered by Nicolas Sarkozy of France and Barack Obama. To sustain the Arab Spring, America, Europe and Japan will provide $40 billion in fresh foreign aid for Arab nations that take the democratic path. The $40 billion breaks down …

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Bretton Woods II — No Way

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“Laissez-faire is finished, the all-powerful market that is always right, that’s finished,” said Nicholas Sarkozy, speaking ex cathedra, last month. As a result, said the diminutive French president, it is “necessary to rebuild the entire global financial and monetary system from the bottom up, the way it was done at …

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Say Goodbye to the Mother Continent

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“Economic unity and political unity are twins: one cannot be born without the other following,” said Friedrich List, the famed German economist and nationalist. Again and again, history has proven List right. Economic union leads inexorably to political union. The left has always understood this. The right never does, until …

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A U.N. Court for the New World Order

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Lest we forget, the United Nations is not a neutral and objective body that embraces Western ideals. It is a politicized forum of nations, many of whose leaders harbor a deep animus against the United States. To grant it the sovereign power to arrest, prosecute and imprison leaders and soldiers …

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The Rise of Sovereignty Fears

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History Knows Where It’s Going”, exulted the April 15 full-page ad in the New York Times. Dates and names preceded: “1944, Bretton Woods: The IMF and the World Bank.” “1945, San Francisco: The United Nations.” “1994, Marrakech: The World Trade Organization.” Marrakech had just given birth, said the ad, to …

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Pat Buchanan

A Crossroads in Our Country’s History

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New Hampshire State Legislative Office Building My friends, we come to New Hampshire at a crossroads in our country’s history. The long Cold War between Communism and freedom, in which many of us invested lives and careers, is ending. Some of us thought we would never see the day that …

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