Memo to Trump: Trade Bolton for Tulsi

Memo to Trump: Trade Bolton for Tulsi

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“If she makes it into the second round, Gabbard could become the catalyst for the kind of globalist vs. nationalist debate that broke out between Trump and Bush Republicans in 2016, a debate that contributed to Trump’s victory…” “For too long our leaders have failed us, taking us into one …

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Russiagate Is No Watergate

Russiagate Is No Watergate

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If the impeachment hearings come, they will be seen for what they are: An attempted coup to overthrow a president by the losers of 2016 who are fearful they could lose again in 2020 and be out of power for four more years. “History is repeating itself, and with a …

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Do Trump's Hawks Speak for Trump?

Do Trump’s Hawks Speak for Trump?

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As for war in our hemisphere, which Pence said was possible, that could come sooner than the graduating cadets expect, if Trump’s confidant Sen. Lindsey Graham has his way. For a president who won his office by denouncing the Middle East wars into which George W. Bush and Barack Obama …

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What a Hash Mueller Made of It

What a Hash Mueller Made of It

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Republicans should not let Mueller skate on this. For the James Comey-Mueller investigation is itself in need of investigation. What is it about special counsel Robert Mueller that he cannot say clearly and concisely what he means? His nine-minute summary of the findings of his office, after two years of …

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Has the Day of the Nationalists Come?

Has the Day of the Nationalists Come?

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“If one could identify a cry common to populists, it might be: “We want our country back!” A week from today, Europeans may be able to gauge how high the tide of populism and nationalism has risen within their countries and on their continent. For all the returns will be …

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Are All the World's Problems Ours?

Are All the World’s Problems Ours?

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After an exhausting two weeks, one is tempted to ask: How many quarrels, clashes and conflicts can even a superpower manage at one time? In 2003, George W. Bush took us to war to liberate Iraq from the despotism of Saddam Hussein and convert that nation into a beacon of …

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Is Bolton Steering Trump Into War with Iran?

Is Bolton Steering Trump Into War with Iran?

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Did President Donald Trump approve of this? …If it is not Trump pushing for confrontation and war with Iran, who is? Last week, it was Venezuela in America’s gun sights. “While a peaceful solution is desirable, military action is possible,” thundered Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. “If that’s what is …

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The Democrats Divide on Impeachment

The Democrats Divide on Impeachment

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The credibility of the Democratic Party is now at issue… If Mueller could not find collusion, what reason is there to believe Rep. Jerry Nadler’s judiciary committee will find it, and then convince the country that they have discovered what ex-FBI Director Mueller could not. The release of the Mueller …

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