Tribal Politics

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Was race a factor in the decision of Colin Powell to repudiate his party’s nominee and friend of 25 years, Sen. John McCain, two weeks before Election Day, and to endorse Barack Obama? Gen. Powell does not deny it, contending only that race was not the only or decisive factor. …

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Last Chance — For Life

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Near the end of a town hall meeting in Johnstown, Pa., a woman arose to offer a passionate plea to Barack Obama to “stop these abortions.” Obama’s response was cool, direct, unequivocal. “Look, I got two daughters — 9 years old and 6 years old. … I am going to …

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Who Started Cold War II?

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by Patrick J. Buchanan The American people should be eternally grateful to Old Europe for having spiked the Bush-McCain plan to bring Georgia into NATO. Had Georgia been in NATO when Mikheil Saakashvili invaded South Ossetia, we would be eyeball to eyeball with Russia, facing war in the Caucasus, where …

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Paging Sen. Biden

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Many in Congress deeply regret having voted President Bush a blank check for war in October 2002. And they are frustrated at their inability to compel him to begin bringing the troops home. Why, then, is Congress pushing for a new confrontation, with Iran, which could involve us in a …

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The Crime Bill… GOP’s Unindicted Cohorts

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The bill federalizes crimes such as spousal abuse, giving the feds police power the Constitution reserves to the states. When Sen. Joe Biden, Delaware Democrat, asked Republican senators what happened to their cherished notion of states rights, they had no response. And, as with NAFTA in 1993, the GOP again …

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