Bombing Won't Save Iraq

Bombing Won’t Save Iraq

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The panic that engulfed this capital after the fall of Mosul, when it appeared that the Islamist fanatics of ISIS would overrun Baghdad, has passed. And the second thoughts have begun. “U.S. Sees Risk in Iraqi Airstrikes,” ran the June 19 headline in the Washington Post, “Military Warns of Dangerous …

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Is Obama Wrong on Ukraine?

Is Obama Wrong on Ukraine?

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“What Would America Fight For?” That question shouts from the cover of this week’s Economist. It is, asserts the magazine, “the question haunting its allies.” While most agree that America would fight to defend her treaty allies and to protect vital interests if imperiled, the question is raised by President …

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War Party Oligarch

War Party Oligarch

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Is the Republican Party’s Middle East policy up for bid? For four days ending Sunday, a quartet of presidential hopefuls trooped to Las Vegas to attend the annual gathering of the Republican Jewish Coalition. Impresario: Sheldon Adelson, the Vegas-Macau casino mogul whose fortune is estimated at $39 billion — 8th …

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Marching as to War

Marching as to War

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Sweeping through Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania this week, Joe Biden reassured all three that the United States’ commitment to Article Five of the NATO treaty remains “solemn” and “iron clad.” Article Five commits us to war if the territory of any of these tiny Baltic nations is violated by Russia. …

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Russia and China

What Would the GOP Do?

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Though Barack Obama is widely regarded as a weak president, is the new world disorder really all his fault? Listening to the more vocal voices of the GOP one might think so. According to Sen. Lindsey Graham, Vladimir Putin’s move into Crimea “started with Benghazi.” “When you kill Americans and …

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Staying Out of Other People's Wars

Staying Out of Other People’s Wars

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“If these negotiations [with Iran] fail, there are two grim alternatives,” said Sen. Richard Durbin, “a nuclear Iran, or war, or perhaps both.” Sens. John McCain and Lindsey Graham returned from the Munich security conference saying that even John Kerry agrees that President Obama’s Syrian policy has failed. They are …

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Why Congress Is Held in Contempt

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“I’ve got a pen,” said President Obama early this week. “I can use that pen to sign executive orders and take executive actions … that move the ball forward.” “When I can act on my own without Congress, I’m going to do so,” the president added Wednesday at North Carolina …

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Bibi A Blank Check For War on Iran

A Blank Check For War on Iran

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As we approach the centennial of World War I, we will read much of the blunders that produced that tragedy of Western civilization. Among them will be the “blank check” Kaiser Wilhelm II gave to Vienna after the assassination by a Serb terrorist of the Austrian Archduke Francis Ferdinand. If …

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