What Weirton Does Not Know

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In the tiny West Virginia town of Weirton, population 22,000, thousands marched last week to save Weirton Steel, the heart of their community. If the steel plant goes under, and its 4,400 workers lose their jobs, the town dies. It is as simple as that. What is threatening Weirton Steel …

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Steel Dump for the World

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Fourteen years ago, foreign steel producers began dumping heavily into the U.S. market, choking America’s industry near to death. Big Steel went to the president. Ronald Reagan listened and acted. On Sept. 22, 1984, he took to the airwaves to denounce “predatory practices” that had made America a “steel dump …

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A Resurgent U.S. Nationalism

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Before Congress adjourns, yet another test of strength is coming between the disciples of globalism and the forces of a resurgent U.S. patriotism. The issue is “fast track,” a bill to strip Congress of all authority to amend trade treaties. Under fast track, once the Clintonites negotiate a trade deal, …

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Merger With Portent?

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To any with a nodding acquaintance of history, this nation is taking an incredible gamble. When Spain, Holland, and Britain began to import what they once produced, and rely on finance and trade for their prosperity, not manufacturing and production, terminal decline set in. By 1917, free-trade Britain, blockaded, almost …

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The Rise of Sovereignty Fears

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History Knows Where It’s Going”, exulted the April 15 full-page ad in the New York Times. Dates and names preceded: “1944, Bretton Woods: The IMF and the World Bank.” “1945, San Francisco: The United Nations.” “1994, Marrakech: The World Trade Organization.” Marrakech had just given birth, said the ad, to …

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America First, NAFTA Never

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It’s Not About Free Trade — It’s About Our Way of Life… “It may not be too great a flight of rhetoric to say that, at this crossroads of post-Cold War history, Pat Buchanan and Ross Perot represent the cause of evil.” Thus did the New Republic close an editorial …

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