End of the Line for the Welfare State?

End of the Line for the Welfare State?

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The Congressional Budget Office did not exactly say Obamacare would cost the nation 2.5 million jobs. But what it did say is vindication of what conservatives have preached since Barry Goldwater stood in the pulpit 50 years ago: The more liberal the welfare state, the greater the disincentive to work …

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How the GOP Lost Middle America

How the GOP Lost Middle America

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Out of the Republican retreat on Maryland’s Eastern shore comes word that the House leadership is raising the white flag of surrender on immigration. The GOP will agree to halt the deportation of 12 million illegal aliens, and sign on to a blanket amnesty. It only asks that the 12 …

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Killed by Free Trade

Dr. Pangloss, Free Trader

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“We’ve outsourced our manufacturing and much of our pollution, but some of it is blowing back across the Pacific to haunt us.” So says University of California scientist Steve Davis. Smog from Chinese factories has already saturated cities like Beijing, where residents go about in surgical masks, and crossed the …

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Why Congress Is Held in Contempt

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“I’ve got a pen,” said President Obama early this week. “I can use that pen to sign executive orders and take executive actions … that move the ball forward.” “When I can act on my own without Congress, I’m going to do so,” the president added Wednesday at North Carolina …

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Memo to Merkel: Tell Obama to Take a Hike

Memo to Merkel: Tell Obama to Take a Hike

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Chutzpah. I believe that’s the word for it. Just days after learning the Americans have been tapping her phones and taping her conversations, Angela Merkel has been publicly upbraided by the U.S. Treasury for being a bad global citizen. What did she do to deserve this? Merkel just won a …

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The First Hustler Runs the Big Con

The First Hustler Runs the Big Con

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“Nothing is lost save honor.” So said Jim Fisk after he and Jay Gould survived yet another scrape in their corrupt and storied careers in the Gilded Age. Fisk’s dismissal of honor came to mind while watching Barack Obama in Boston smugly explain how his vow — “If you like …

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We Can't Win Wimps Caucus

The ‘We Can’t Win’ Wimps Caucus

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“We told you you would lose!” wail the Beltway bundlers of the Republican establishment. “We told you you would lose!” moan neoconservative columnists from their privileged perches on the op-ed pages of the Beltway press. “Look at what Ted Cruz and this Tea Party people did to us,” wails the …

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Who has benefited most from Republican-backed globalization?

Why the Reagan Democrats Departed

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On Nov. 3, 1969, Richard Nixon, his presidency about to be broken by massive antiwar demonstrations, called on “the great silent majority” to stand by him for peace with honor in Vietnam. They did. Within days Nixon’s approval surged to 68 percent. The ferocious Republican partisan of the 1950s had …

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