Abolish the Corporate Income Tax

Abolish the Corporate Income Tax!

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Sen. Carl Levin was aghast. Before his committee sat, unapologetic and uncontrite, Apple CEO Tim Cook, whose company had paid no U.S. corporate income taxes on the $74 billion it had earned abroad in recent years. “Apple has sought the Holy Grail of tax avoidance,” said Levin. “Apple has exploited …

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Heretic at Heritage

The Heretic at Heritage

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Jason Richwine, the young conservative scholar who co-authored the Heritage Foundation report on the long-term costs of the amnesty bill backed by the “Gang of Eight,” is gone from Heritage. He was purged after The Washington Post unearthed his doctoral dissertation at the JFK School of Government. Richwine’s thesis: IQ …

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American Jobs

The Pope and Godless Capitalism

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“This is called slave labor,” said Pope Francis. The Holy Father was referring to the $40 a month paid to apparel workers at that eight-story garment factory in Bangladesh that collapsed on top of them, killing more than 400. “Not paying a just wage … focusing exclusively on the balance …

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Will the GOP Embrace Amnesty

Will the GOP Embrace Amnesty?

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During President Eisenhower’s first term, 60 years ago, the United States faced an invasion across its southern border. Illegal aliens had been coming since World War II. But, suddenly, the number was over 1 million. Crime was rising in Texas. The illegals were taking the jobs of U.S. farm workers. …

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Jobs Gone

Where Have All the Workers Gone?

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That America created only 88,000 jobs in March, less than half the number anticipated, was jolting news, indicating the recovery that the White House has boasted about may not be at hand. But in that March jobs report, there was more disturbing news. While unemployment fell to 7.6 percent, the …

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Who Killed the New Majority?

Who Killed the New Majority?

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The Republican National Committee has produced an “autopsy” on what went wrong in 2012, when the party failed to win the White House and lost seats in Congress. Yet, the crisis of the Grand Old Party goes back much further. First, some history. The Frank Lloyd Wright of the New …

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American Jobs

Who Killed the Middle Class?

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“It is our generation’s task, then, to reignite the true engine of America’s economic growth — a rising, thriving middle class.” So said Barack Obama in his State of the Union. And for one of his ideas to reignite that engine, Republicans applauded. “And tonight, I am announcing that we …

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The GOP’s Amnesty Caucus Raises the White Flag

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On Monday, Sens. John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Jeff Flake and Marco Rubio emerged with an offer of a Republican surrender to Barack Obama. We will accept amnesty for 11 million illegal aliens, said the four, but you must get serious about securing the border against yet another invasion. Only after …

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