Why the Left Cannot Let Go of Jan. 6

Why the Left Cannot Let Go of Jan. 6

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The left cannot let go of Jan. 6. Indeed, it has fixated upon, exploited and exaggerated the riot to discredit and destroy the Trump presidency in the history books and to prevent Donald Trump from ever running or being elected president again. “Every Day Is Jan. 6 Now.” That was …

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Did the GOP Just Dodge a Bullet?

Did the GOP Just Dodge a Bullet?

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Democrats had anticipated that the commission hearings would rivet the nation and media’s attention all this year, with the final report coming out at year’s end. This would enable the Democrats and their media allies to make Trump’s actions on Jan. 6 — the worst day of his presidency — …

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Dark Winter of a Grand Old Party

Dark Winter of a Grand Old Party

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There may have been a worse 90 days in Republican Party history, but it is difficult to recall exactly when. It has been a dreadful three months for the Grand Old Party. On Nov. 3, President Donald Trump seemed to have lost the White House by narrowly losing three crucial …

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Exploiting the Capitol Riot to Kill Trump

Exploiting the Capitol Riot to Kill Trump

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What would be the purpose of impeaching a president who hasn’t been president for three months? Answer: A conviction would strip Republicans of the right to reelect the man who got the largest number of votes in their party’s history. Donald Trump has stumbled and fallen, and the establishment is …

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The Worst of Days for Trump & Trumpists

The Worst of Days for Trump & Trumpists

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What Americans watched was a mob occupation and desecration of the temple of the American Republic. And the event will be forever exploited to discredit not only Trump but the movement he led and the achievements of his presidency. President Donald Trump, it turns out, was being quite literal when …

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Family Brawl in the House of Trump

Family Brawl in the House of Trump

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In effect, Cruz & Co. would vote to hold up validating Biden’s victory until a newly formed commission could complete a 10-day investigation of complaints that it was fraudulent or rigged. And, at last count, 140 House Republicans had signed on to support challenges to Biden’s electoral vote majority. A …

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Ten Days That Shook the Presidency

Ten Days That Shook the Presidency

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Trump has four weeks to turn it around. And his task, while easy to describe, is not so easy to accomplish. He needs to persuade undecided and soft Biden voters that Joe is simply not up to the job of president. What a difference a week can make. Saturday, Sept. …

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Is Biden Ceding the Law-and-Order Issue?

Is Biden Ceding the Law-and-Order Issue?

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Eventually, the country is going to go with law and order, for, no matter how the liberals’ recoil from the phrase and its associations with Barry Goldwater and Richard Nixon, without law and order there is no justice and there is no peace. What Nixon said in ’68 remains true: …

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