Behind Trump's Strategic Pivot

Behind Trump’s Strategic Pivot

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Trump can make the case that while China was the origin of the Wuhan virus that killed scores of thousands of Americans, it was Donald J. Trump who led us through the tragedy, and he is leading us forward, once again, to a new prosperity. What will be Joe Biden’s …

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Coronavirus Crisis Is Trump's Time to Lead

Coronavirus Crisis Is Trump’s Time to Lead

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The chickens of globalization are coming home to roost. Not until well into the Democratic debate Tuesday night did the COVID-19 coronavirus come up, and it was Mike Bloomberg, not a CBS moderator, who raised it: “The president fired the pandemic specialist in this country two years ago,” the former …

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Let the People Decide Trump's Fate

Let the People Decide Trump’s Fate

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How is it bribery for a president, responsible for seeing that the laws are faithfully executed, to insist that a regime dependent on U.S. aid investigate a conflict of interest and potential corruption when the enriched beneficiary is the son of the vice president of the USA? Was there linkage …

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Who Won, and Who Lost, World War II?

Who Won, and Who Lost, World War II?

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Given the cause for which their country went to war, British actions during the war seem inexplicable. Sunday, the 80th anniversary of the Nazi invasion of Poland, Vice President Mike Pence spoke in Warsaw’s Pilsudski Square of “five decades of untold suffering and death that followed” the invasion. Five decades! …

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Trump: War President or Anti-Interventionist?

Trump: War President or Anti-Interventionist?

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Where is the evidence that any such secret program exists? And if it does, why does America not tell the world where Iran’s secret nuclear facilities are located and demand immediate inspections?… Visualizing 150 Iranian dead from a missile strike that he had ordered, President Donald Trump recoiled and canceled …

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Do Trump's Hawks Speak for Trump?

Do Trump’s Hawks Speak for Trump?

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As for war in our hemisphere, which Pence said was possible, that could come sooner than the graduating cadets expect, if Trump’s confidant Sen. Lindsey Graham has his way. For a president who won his office by denouncing the Middle East wars into which George W. Bush and Barack Obama …

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001-Let Venezuela Decide Its Own Destiny

Let Venezuela Decide Its Own Destiny

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This week, when Guaido called out the crowds again to bring the strongman down, the White House went all in. “Who would be free themselves must strike the blow… “By their right arms the conquest must be wrought.” So wrote Lord Byron of Greece’s war of independence against the Turks, …

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Mayor Pete and the Crackup of Christianity

Mayor Pete and the Crackup of Christianity

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Buttigieg declared his candidacy Sunday, and his bid ensures that America’s deepening moral divide will be front and center in 2020… “(T)here is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so,” said Hamlet, who thereby raised some crucial questions: Is moral truth subjective? Does it change with changing …

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