Buchanan in Defense of His Stance on Taxes

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by Patrick J. Buchanan – May 3, 1999
Letter to the Editor – THE BOSTON GLOBE

In his April 22 news story, Michael Kranish suggests that I am saying one thing about taxes in New Hampshire and another in Texas (“Candidate’s stances vary with audience,” Page A1).
Not true. For a decade I have argued for tariffs on imports from China and Third World countries to cut out of America’s colon a huge, metastisizing cancer, as measured by a merchandise trade deficit that just crossed the $300 billion mark. Invariably I have said that “every dime raised by those tariffs” would be used to slash taxes on US producers, workers, and investors.

To reduce taxes on American incomes by imposing taxes on foreign imports is a revenue-neutral operation, not a tax hike.

I remain committed to: a net $1 trillion cut in US taxes over the coming decade; a shift of the tax burden off US businesses onto foreign nations and transnationals; a new tax code that is simple and fair and gives us the lowest tax rates of any industrial nation in the Western world; a new trade policy rooted in the economic patriotism of Washington, Hamilton, Madison, and Jackson.

As for any contingency oil import fee, should prices fall to $14 a barrel, even if enacted, every dime would be used to keep oil prices from rising in the Northeast and cut gasoline taxes


Dunn Loring, Virginia

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