VIDEO: McLaughlin Group – June 17, 2018

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Make America Think Again! – Share Pat's Columns… Have something to say about this video? Visit Pat's FaceBook page and post your comments…. Do You Appreciate Reading Our Emails and Website? Let us know how we are doing – Send us a Thank You Via Paypal! Make America Think Again! …

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Trump’s Bold Historic Gamble

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Make America Think Again! – Share Pat's Columns…President Donald Trump appears to belong to what might be called the Benjamin Disraeli school of diplomacy. The British prime minister once counseled, “Everyone likes flattery; and when you come to Royalty you should lay it on with a trowel.” At his Singapore …

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Behind Trump’s Exasperation

Behind Trump’s Exasperation

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Make America Think Again! – Share Pat's Columns…At the G-7 summit in Canada, President Donald Trump described America as “the piggy bank that everybody is robbing.” After he left Quebec, his director of Trade and Industrial Policy, Peter Navarro, added a few parting words for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau: “There’s …

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Pat Buchanan - McLaughlin Group

VIDEO: McLaughlin Group – June 10, 2018

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Make America Think Again! – Share Pat's Columns… Have something to say about this video? Visit Pat's FaceBook page and post your comments…. Do You Appreciate Reading Our Emails and Website? Let us know how we are doing – Send us a Thank You Via Paypal! Make America Think Again! …

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Is Mayor de Blasio an Anti-Asian Bigot?

Is Mayor de Blasio an Anti-Asian Bigot?

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Make America Think Again! – Share Pat's Columns…“Though New York City has one of the most segregated schools systems in the country,” writes Elizabeth Harris of The New York Times, until now, Mayor Bill de Blasio “was all but silent on the issue.” He was “reluctant even to use the …

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Boehner's Right -- It's Trump's Party Now

Boehner’s Right — It’s Trump’s Party Now

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Make America Think Again! – Share Pat's Columns…“There is no Republican Party. There’s a Trump party,” John Boehner told a Mackinac, Michigan, gathering of the GOP faithful last week. “The Republican Party is kind of taking a nap somewhere.” Ex-Speaker Boehner should probably re-check the old party’s pulse, for the …

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VIDEO: McLaughlin Group – June 3, 2018

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Make America Think Again! – Share Pat's Columns… Have something to say about this column? Visit Pat's FaceBook page and post your comments…. Do You Appreciate Reading Our Emails and Website? Let us know how we are doing – Send us a Thank You Via Paypal! Make America Think Again! …

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Is America’s Racial Divide Permanent?

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Make America Think Again! – Share Pat's Columns…For Roseanne Barr, star of ABC’s hit show “Roseanne,” there would be no appeal. When her tweet hit, she was gone. “Roseanne’s Twitter statement, is abhorrent, repugnant and inconsistent with our values, and we have decided to cancel her show,” declaimed Channing Dungey, …

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