Bush Plays the Hitler Card

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Make America Think Again! – Share Pat's Columns…by Patrick J. Buchanan “A little learning is a dangerous thing,” wrote Alexander Pope. Daily, our 43rd president testifies to Pope’s point. Addressing the Knesset on the 60th anniversary of Israel’s birth, Bush said those who say we should negotiate with Iran or …

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The Lost Tribes of Israel

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Make America Think Again! – Share Pat's Columns…by Patrick J. Buchanan As Israel enters its 61st year, Israelis may look back with pride. Yet, the realists among them must also look forward with foreboding. Israel is a modern democracy with the highest standard of living in the Middle East. In …

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Race Cards and Speech Codes

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Make America Think Again! – Share Pat's Columns…by Patrick J. Buchanan “Give me a break. This whole thing is the biggest fairy tale I’ve ever seen.” So said Bill Clinton in New Hampshire of Obama’s claim to have been a constant opponent of the war. Clinton cited Obama’s voting record, …

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The Hillary Democrats

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Make America Think Again! – Share Pat's Columns…by Patrick J. Buchanan “I have a much broader base to build a winning coalition on” than Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton has told USA TODAY. She cited an Associated Press article “that found how Sen. Obama’s support among working, hard-working Americans, white Americans, …

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Is It Jaw-Jaw or War-War?

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Make America Think Again! – Share Pat's Columns… Is war with Iran inevitable, even imminent? Or is peace at hand? From the public diplomacy of the administration, either conclusion may be reached. Consider. “West Offers Iran ‘Refreshed’ Deal,” ran the headline in the May 3 Washington Times. The story described …

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The Way Our World Ends

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Make America Think Again! – Share Pat's Columns…“This is the way the world ends/Not with a bang but a whimper,” wrote T.S. Eliot in the closing couplet of “The Hollow Men.” Eliot’s poem was written after the Great War of 1914-1918 had carried off 9 million soldiers, wounded twice as …

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Will the Right Sit It Out?

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Make America Think Again! – Share Pat's Columns…by Patrick J. Buchanan If John McCain wins the presidency, his comeback — after the bankrupt debacle his campaign had become in the summer of 2007 with his backing of the amnesty bill — will be the stuff of legend. And as nominee, …

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Is He One of Us?

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Make America Think Again! – Share Pat's Columns…As one looks at the polls, the issues and the candidates, the election of 2008 resembles what poker players call a “lay-down hand.” Two-thirds of the nation believes the Iraq war a blunder. Sixty-nine percent disapproves of President Bush. Eighty-one percent thinks America …

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