Return of the Censors

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Make America Think Again! – Share Pat's Columns…Freedom of the press is on trial in Canada. The trial is before a court with the Orwellian title of the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal. The accused are Maclean’s magazine and author Mark Steyn. The crime: In mocking and biting tones, they …

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The ‘Good War’ and the Terrible Peace

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Make America Think Again! – Share Pat's Columns…by Patrick J. Buchanan In attacking my book “Churchill, Hitler and ‘The Unnecessary War’: How Britain Lost Its Empire and the West Lost the World,” Victor Davis Hanson, the court historian of the neoconservatives, charges me with “rewriting … facts” and showing “ingratitude” …

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How Obama Won — and May Win

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Make America Think Again! – Share Pat's Columns…“I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. … I mean, that’s a storybook, man.” Thus did Joe Biden famously describe his rival for the nomination, Barack Obama, to the The New …

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Bush’s Black List

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Make America Think Again! – Share Pat's Columns…by Patrick J. Buchanan The American Conservative Magazine On reading George W. Bush’s discourse to the New York Economic Club last week, Cicero’s insight came to mind: “To be ignorant of what occurred before you were born is to remain always a child.” …

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Munich, 1938

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Make America Think Again! – Share Pat's Columns…by Patrick J. Buchanan When President Bush, before the Knesset, used the word “appeasement” to label those who would negotiate with Iran’s Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, he invoked the most powerful analogy in any debate over war and peace. No man wishes to be regarded …

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Is Bush Becoming Irrelevant?

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Make America Think Again! – Share Pat's Columns…by Patrick J. Buchanan After losing both houses of Congress in the 1994 election, Bill Clinton expostulated: The president of the United States is not irrelevant! On learning his trusted aide from Texas Scott McClellan has denounced as an “unnecessary war” the same …

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How the West Lost the World

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Make America Think Again! – Share Pat's Columns…Europe, the Mother Continent of Western Man, is today aging and dying, unable to sustain the birth rates needed to keep her alive, or to resist conquest by an immigrant invasion from the Third World. What happened to the nations that only a …

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Post-Christian America

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Make America Think Again! – Share Pat's Columns…by Patrick J. Buchanan “A Victory for Equality and Justice,” blared the headline above the editorial. “Momentous,” “historic,” “a major victory for civil rights,” “a scrupulously fair ruling based on law, precedents and common sense.” This was the ecstatic reaction of The New …

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