The Little Dictator

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by Patrick J. Buchanan – July 30, 1997 Speaking of his ex-colleague Justice William O. Douglas, the defiant jurist piped, “I’m going to break Douglas’ record!” Douglas had served 35 years. Then, William Brennan laughed. Our little exchange took place at a Gridiron Dinner a decade ago. Brennan died last …

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Where Have All the Christian Soldiers Gone?

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by Patrick J. Buchanan – July 29, 1997 “If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you,” Christ warned his disciples, who came to learn the truth of his words. Eleven of the 12 sent out to preach the Gospel after Pentecost died a martyr’s death witnessing to the …

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The Guttering Out of the GOP Revolution

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by Patrick J. Buchanan – July 22, 1997 The coup de farce intended to topple Speaker Newt, in which faithful lieutenants betrayed him, only to re-embrace their beloved leader, has the makings of a Broadway comedy. Unfortunately, the farce is also a tragedy. A great party, for whose principles good …

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An All-American Tax System

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by Patrick J. Buchanan – July 14, 1997 These are truly the dog days of the Republican Party. Successive national tickets have been defeated by Bill Clinton as convincingly as the GOP Congress has been cowed. If the incoming mail of one writer on public affairs is a reliable barometer …

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Now Let Us All Praise Warren G. Harding

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by Patrick J. Buchanan – July 9, 1997 On this year’s centennial of the inauguration of William McKinley, Ohio University professor Alfred E. Eckes, a trade official under Ronald Reagan, addressed Ohio’s Historical Society. Subject: our 25th president, assassinated by an anarchist in Buffalo in 1901. McKinley’s was a truly …

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NATO Expansion: A Dangerous Folly

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by Patrick J. Buchanan – July 8, 1997 “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it,” is counsel Bill Clinton should have followed before making his frivolous decision to expand NATO into Eastern Europe. For it is clear that NATO expansion is already dividing, and may eventually destroy, the great Western …

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How Stands the Republic?

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by Patrick J. Buchanan – July 2, 1997 As another anniversary of the Declaration of Independence is upon us, it is fair to ask: What would the men of ’76 think of us? While they would surely be awed by America’s size, wealth and power, I suspect they would be …

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Who Voted for Clinton’s Revolution?

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by Patrick J. Buchanan – July 1, 1997 A week ago, Bill Clinton invited a dozen African American columnists to the White House to brief them on his racial goals. “We want to become a multiracial, multiethnic society,” the president confided. “This will arguably be the third great revolution …. …

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