Biden's Full Plate -- Ukraine, Taiwan, Tehran

Biden’s Full Plate — Ukraine, Taiwan, Tehran

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As Putin may see his destiny and legacy as returning Ukraine into a closer union with Russia, so Chinese President Xi Jinping seems to see his crowning achievement in the return of Taiwan to the motherland after almost a century of separation. One day after warning Russian President Vladimir Putin …

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Putin to Biden: Finlandize Ukraine, or We Will

Putin to Biden: Finlandize Ukraine, or We Will

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Neocons and Republican hawks such as the late John McCain sought to bring Ukraine and two other ex-Soviet republics, Georgia and Moldova, into NATO. Putin, who served in the KGB in the late Soviet era and calls the breakup of the USSR the “greatest geopolitical catastrophe” of the 20th century, …

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The West's Fear That Dare Not Speak Its Name

The West’s Fear That Dare Not Speak Its Name

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Zemmour is being called “the Donald Trump of France.” And he and Le Pen are now running third and second behind Macron in the polling to become the next president of France, which suggests the power of the issue on which they agree: uninvited and unwelcome Third-World migration. With the …

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Return of the 'Law and Order' Issue

Return of the ‘Law and Order’ Issue

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Indeed, of all of the Black folks who will have died of homicide or murder in D.C., Baltimore, Philly and New York this year, how many will have been shot or stabbed by Proud Boys, Three Percenters, Oath Keepers, white vigilantes, white supremacists or rogue white cops? According to Gallup, …

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Defaming the Dead

Defaming the Dead By Tom Piatak

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By Tom Piatak at Chronicles Magazine Sam championed all three presidential campaigns of a conservative Christian, Pat Buchanan, who found philosophical resistance to liberalism in his Christian beliefs, and who wrote for decades in a magazine largely written by other conservative Christians. Two years ago, Matthew Rose wrote a lengthy …

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Playing With Fire on Russia's Borders

Playing With Fire on Russia’s Borders

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Avoiding a war with Russia that could go nuclear, however, has always been a vital strategic interest, especially since Moscow acquired nuclear weapons. Every American president has known that. And avoidance of war with the United States has been a guiding principle of Russian foreign policy from Stalin to Putin. …

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In Defense of Sam Francis

In Defense of Sam Francis By Paul Gottfried

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By Paul Gottfried at Chronicles Magazine Conservatives preoccupied with the intellectual scarecrow of white racism—rather than the concrete reality of antiwhite racism promoted by our state, educational system, and media—are misguided. Indeed, most of what Francis produced on that delicate subject was in response to the mind-deadening repetition of antiwhite …

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Kyle Rittenhouse, Both Right and Righteous

Kyle Rittenhouse, Both Right and Righteous

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And what were the motives and goals of Joseph Rosenbaum, the child rapist and ex-con, and Anthony Huber, who wielded the skateboard? What were they doing in Kenosha, if not helping to sustain a criminal riot to destroy property Rittenhouse had come to defend? In judging the actions of Kyle …

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