Are Uncivil Protests and Mob Violence Winning?

Are Uncivil Protests and Mob Violence Winning?

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Consider what else the radicals and rioters have accomplished. They have made mass civil disobedience an acceptable and even praiseworthy form of protest, if you are justifiably outraged. They have won near-immunity for burning and looting stores. Blanket amnesties at the state and city level appear to be in the …

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Now It's Woodrow Wilson's Turn

Now It’s Woodrow Wilson’s Turn

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Wilson’s support of segregation was a matter of record in his own time and is a subject about which every biographer and historian of that period has been aware. When did Princeton discover that this Southern-born president, the most famous son in the school’s history, like so many of his …

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Biden's Basement Strategy: Just Say Nothing

Biden’s Basement Strategy: Just Say Nothing

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If Biden emerges, then he will have to answer why all these institutions where his party and people are predominant — the media, Hollywood, the academic community, public schools, big-city governments, the big foundations, the federal bureaucracy — are apparently shot through with systemic racism after decades of Democratic dominance. …

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How Long Will the Vandals Run Amok?

How Long Will the Vandals Run Amok?

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We erect statues to remember, revere and honor those whom we memorialize. And what is the motivation of the people who tear them down and desecrate them? In a word, it is hate… But hating history and denying history and tearing down the statues of the men who made that …

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Can We Coexist with Asia’s Communists?

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The rhetoric out of the North against South Korean President Moon Jae-in, coming from the 32-year-old sister of North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, the rising star of the regime, Kim Yo Jong, has been scalding. In a statement this week, Kim Yo Jong derided Moon as a flunky of …

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Cancel the White Men -- And What's Left?

Cancel the White Men — And What’s Left?

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Liberals will fight for the right of Marxist radicals to burn the American flag to show their hatred of it but cannot tolerate working folks flying the battle flag of the Confederacy to show their love of it. “Can we all just get along?” That was the plea of Rodney …

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Will Churchill's Statue Be Next to Fall?

Will Churchill’s Statue Be Next to Fall?

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The systematic dishonoring and disgracing of men once revered has only just begun. But it represents a spreading revolution in thought and belief about the origins and history of America. On Gen. George Washington’s orders, the Declaration of Independence, signed in Philadelphia, was read aloud to his army. On hearing …

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The Left's Coming War on Cops

The Left’s Coming War on Cops

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As it rises in prominence, the issue of defunding police will divide the Democratic Party more than the GOP. For while the hard left sees cops in ideological and class terms as racist and fascist, the right, by and large, sees the police as the last line of defense against …

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