Can Poland Be Poland -- and Stay in the EU?

Can Poland Be Poland — and Stay in the EU?

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The questions raised by the rebellious Poles are fundamental: Which takes precedence, when they come into conflict, Poland’s constitution and Poland’s laws, or the laws of the European Union? “Let Poland be Poland!” That was the call of American conservatives, four decades ago, when the Solidarity movement of labor leader …

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Warnings and Threats -- or Bluster and Bluff

Warnings and Threats — or Bluster and Bluff

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Consider, then, a brief summation of the confrontational postures adopted by the Biden diplomats. We are openly warning Russia that the U.S. may soon bring Ukraine and Georgia into NATO… We are openly warning Iran that time is running out… We are putting China on notice that we do not …

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Nationalism to Confront Globalism in Glasgow

Nationalism to Confront Globalism in Glasgow

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On Friday, U.S. oil prices hit a seven-year high amid a surge in global demand and a supply crunch induced by OPEC. West Texas Intermediate crude, the U.S. oil benchmark, climbed to $82 a barrel. Gas prices followed… Oil is at its highest price since OPEC launched its price war …

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Are the Good Times Over for Joe?

Are the Good Times Over for Joe?

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With all his chips now in the middle of the table as this session of Congress winds down, Biden’s hand looks weaker and weaker. Wednesday, four polls found that half the nation — and in three of them, more than half — now disapprove of his presidency. “When sorrows come,” …

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Sink the New World Order Tax!

Sink the New World Order Tax!

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Assume the rest of the world embraces this minimum corporate tax of 15% and the U.S. — to recapture and restore a manufacturing base we gave away to China — answered the world with a corporate tax rate of 7% or 8%. Transnational companies would beat a path back to …

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Are China's Threats to Taiwan a Bluff?

Are China’s Threats to Taiwan a Bluff?

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China started and finished the recent war in the Himalayas with India. It warned Hong Kong to stifle the democracy protests that went violent in 2019. When Hong Kong failed to do so, Beijing acted and is now completing the full absorption of the city into the mainland. On its …

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Biden Becomes a Bernie Sanders Democrat?

Biden Becomes a Bernie Sanders Democrat?

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When Biden reached the Hill, however, he threw in with the hostage-takers. He asked for a delay in House passage of his own infrastructure bill, until the demands of the progressives were addressed and met… Biden had ditched the Biden Democrats and cast his lot with Sanders & Co. “We’ve …

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Who Is Killing 10,000 Black Americans Every Year?

Who Is Killing 10,000 Black Americans Every Year?

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Listening to Wray, one came away with the impression that right-wing terrorism was our foremost internal security issue, that the Jan. 6 riot was a manifestation of that terrorism, and that white supremacists top the list of dangerous enemies inside our own country. “Unfortunately, Jan. 6 was not an isolated …

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