Merger With Portent?

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To any with a nodding acquaintance of history, this nation is taking an incredible gamble. When Spain, Holland, and Britain began to import what they once produced, and rely on finance and trade for their prosperity, not manufacturing and production, terminal decline set in. By 1917, free-trade Britain, blockaded, almost …

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Europe: The Artificial Nation

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The European Union possesses none of the attributes of a nation — a common language, culture, history and heroes… Its internal contradictions and the natural disposition of all nations to put their own interests first will confound this utopian superstate… “The real divisions of our time,” writes the scholar Christian …

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NATO Expansion: Unnecessary and Provocative

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With NATO expansion, we give up forever our freedom to decide when and whether to go to war. We give up forever the opportunity to bring the boys home, and we lock ourselves forever into virtually every future European war… That One Worlders are doing this is easy to understand; …

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None Dare Call it Treason

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…Clinton gets a pass for rescuing companies that gave the greatest tyranny on Earth an improved capacity to burn to ashes the cities of his own country. Half a century ago, the most detested of Americans had sold scrap metal to Japan. Now, men who enhance the capacity of the …

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A U.N. Court for the New World Order

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Lest we forget, the United Nations is not a neutral and objective body that embraces Western ideals. It is a politicized forum of nations, many of whose leaders harbor a deep animus against the United States. To grant it the sovereign power to arrest, prosecute and imprison leaders and soldiers …

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Icebergs Ahead for the S.S. United States?

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To see how rapidly de-industrialization is taking place, take a look at the aging queen of American industries: automobiles. From 1995 through 1997, the United States had a trade deficit in autos and auto parts with Japan of $95 billion, with Canada of $33 billion, with Sweden and Britain of …

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Courting Anti-Americanism

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This is risky business, and the “reforms” the IMF is imposing had better work. If they fail, and collapse follows, the United States is the villain at whom every Asian demagogue will point the finger — for the IMF is seen in Asia as an agent of U.S. economic imperialism… …

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The Assassination of Ken Starr

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Can one imagine the reaction in Washington in 1974 if it were revealed that Nixon’s lawyer, Jim St. Clair, had hired detectives to investigate Leon Jaworksi’s staff, that they had found out one was homosexual, and that Nixon’s men had “outed” him?… Every newspaper would have exploded with cries for …

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