No More Blank Checks for War

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After the assassination of the archduke in Sarajevo on June 28, 1914, Austria got from Kaiser Wilhelm a “blank cheque” to punish Serbia. Germany would follow whatever course its ally chose to take. Austria chose war on Serbia. And World War I resulted. On March 31, 1939, Britain gave a …

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Who’s Planning Our Next War?

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Of the Axis-of-Evil nations named in his State of the Union in 2002, President Bush has often said, “The United States will not permit the world’s most dangerous regimes to threaten us with the world’s most destructive weapons.” He failed with North Korea. Will he accept failure in Iran, though …

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Return of the Censors

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Freedom of the press is on trial in Canada. The trial is before a court with the Orwellian title of the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal. The accused are Maclean’s magazine and author Mark Steyn. The crime: In mocking and biting tones, they wrote that Islam threatens Western values. Had …

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How Obama Won — and May Win

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“I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. … I mean, that’s a storybook, man.” Thus did Joe Biden famously describe his rival for the nomination, Barack Obama, to the The New York Observer, a year ago. Biden, however, …

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Bush’s Black List

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by Patrick J. Buchanan The American Conservative Magazine On reading George W. Bush’s discourse to the New York Economic Club last week, Cicero’s insight came to mind: “To be ignorant of what occurred before you were born is to remain always a child.” With the Iraq War entering its sixth …

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How the West Lost the World

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Europe, the Mother Continent of Western Man, is today aging and dying, unable to sustain the birth rates needed to keep her alive, or to resist conquest by an immigrant invasion from the Third World. What happened to the nations that only a century ago ruled the world? In “Churchill, …

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Is He One of Us?

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As one looks at the polls, the issues and the candidates, the election of 2008 resembles what poker players call a “lay-down hand.” Two-thirds of the nation believes the Iraq war a blunder. Sixty-nine percent disapproves of President Bush. Eighty-one percent thinks America is on the wrong course. Inflation is …

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In Darkest Pennsylvania

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It was said behind closed doors to the chablis-and-brie set of San Francisco, in response to a question as to why he was not doing better in that benighted and barbarous land they call Pennsylvania. Like Dr. Schweitzer, home from Africa to address the Royal Society on the customs of …

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