After the Revolution

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“Democracy … arises out of the notion that those who are equal in any respect are equal in all respects,” said Aristotle. But if the Philosopher disliked the form of government that arose out of the fallacy of human equality, the Founding Fathers detested it. “A democracy is nothing more …

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A Middle East Without America?

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The fever sweeping the Middle East is now coursing through Libya, Yemen, Iran and Bahrain, where the U.S. Fifth Fleet is based. In all four nations, state violence is being used to crush the rebels, and regime survival hangs on whether security forces and the army stand behind the government …

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Bush’s New ‘Axis of Evil’

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George W. Bush must have been the despair of the history department of every school his daddy managed to get him into. Consider his latest excursion into the history of the republic, at Southern Methodist, where the Great Man’s papers are to be housed. “What’s interesting about our country, if …

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And the Debt Bomb Ticks On

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With his approval rating moving up to 50 percent and higher in some polls, the pundits are all agreed. President Obama has turned the corner. He is now the winter-book favorite in 2012. How, two months after his “shellacking,” did he do it? First, by taking the wheel from Nancy …

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Are the Deficits Forever?

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“The success of a party means little except when the nation is using that party for a large and definite purpose,” said Woodrow Wilson in his first inaugural. “No one can mistake the purpose for which the nation now seeks to use the Democratic Party.” As with Wilson’s Democrats in …

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Woody, Haley & The Klan

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“In May 1866, a little group of young men in the Tennessee village of Pulaski, finding their time hang heavily on their hands after the excitement of the field, so lately abandoned, formed a secret club for the mere pleasure of association, for private amusement — for anything that might …

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‘Just Say No!’ Pays Off

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by Patrick J. Buchanan The polls and pundits are all in alignment now. The Republican Party is headed for a victory Tuesday to rival the biggest and best of those that the party has known in the lifetime of most Americans. In 1938, the GOP won 72 seats in the …

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A Remembrance of Anne

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Note to Readers: This is a condensed version of the eulogy delivered by Patrick Buchanan at St. Stephen Martyr in Washington, D.C., on Aug. 18. It was December of 1965 that I first looked on the friendly Irish face of Anne Volz, outside the law office of Richard M. Nixon. …

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