Goading Gullible America Into War

Goading Gullible America Into War

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As President Obama departed for Israel, there came a startling report. Bashar Assad’s regime had used poison gas on Syrian rebels. Two Israeli Cabinet members claimed credible evidence. Justice Minister Tzipi Livni said, “It’s clear for us that (gas is) being used. … This … should be on the table …

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Was Iraq Worth It?

Was Iraq Worth It?

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Ten years ago today, U.S. air, sea and land forces attacked Iraq. And the great goals of Operation Iraqi Freedom? Destroy the chemical and biological weapons Saddam Hussein had amassed to use on us or transfer to al-Qaida for use against the U.S. homeland. Exact retribution for Saddam’s complicity in …

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Pat Buchanan on the Radio

Buchanan: Anti-interventionism is On the Rise in the GOP

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By Jeff Poor, Media Reporter – Listen at The Daily Caller On Laura Ingraham’s Monday radio show, conservative commentator Pat Buchanan said the anti-interventionist foreign policy views of Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul are catching on. Buchanan, author of “Suicide of a Superpower: Will America Survive to 2025?,” took particular aim …

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Pope Francis

Pope Francis — Against the West?

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“The Faith is Europe. And Europe is the Faith,” wrote Hilaire Belloc after that bloodbath we call World War I. “Either Europe will return to the Faith or she will perish.” By 1938, Belloc concluded Christian Europe was done: “The bad work begun at the Reformation is bearing its final …

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Senator Rand Paul

Who Speaks Now for the GOP?

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Last Wednesday, Sen. Rand Paul rose on the Senate floor to declare a filibuster and pledge he would not sit down until either he could speak no longer or got an answer to his question about Barack Obama’s war powers. Does the president, Paul demanded to know, in the absence …

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Pat Buchanan's speech at Nixon Celebration

Celebrating President Nixon’s 100th Birthday

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The following is from a speech given by Patrick J. Buchanan during the Richard M. Nixon Centennial celebration in Washington, D.C., on January 9, 2013 – Source: NixonFoundation.org We are here tonight to celebrate the centennial of a statesman, a profile in courage and an extraordinary man we are all …

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China Map

Has the Bell Begun to Toll for China?

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“Why did the Soviet Union disintegrate? Why did the Soviet Communist Party collapse? An important reason was that their ideals and convictions wavered,” China’s new leader, Xi Jinping, told a closed meeting of party elite in Guangdong province. “Finally all it took was one quiet word from Gorbachev to declare …

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Netanyahu USA

Infantile Conservatism

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by Patrick J. Buchanan Regularly now, The Washington Post, as always concerned with fairness and balance, runs a blog called “Right Turn: Jennifer Rubin’s Take From a Conservative Perspective.” The blog tells us what the Post regards as conservatism. On Monday, Rubin declared that America’s “greatest national security threat is …

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