Congress’ Attack on the Presidency

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by Patrick J. Buchanan If the Senate and House judiciary committees issue subpoenas for Karl Rove and other White House aides to testify to their roles in the firing of the eight U.S. attorneys, President Bush should defy the subpoenas. He should accept the contempt citations and fight it all …

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The AIPAC Girl

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by Patrick J. Buchanan If George W. Bush launches a pre-emptive war on Iran, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi will bear full moral responsibility for that war. For it was Pelosi who quietly agreed to strip out of the $100 billion funding bill for Iraq a provision that would have required …

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Gen. Pace vs. Parson Warner

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by Patrick J. Buchanan “You may not be interested in war, but war is interested in you,” said Leon Trotsky. And that is surely true of the culture war. Before an editorial board of the Chicago Tribune, Gen. Peter Pace, chairman of the Joint Chiefs, not only endorsed presidential policy …

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Bush’s Thermidor

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by Patrick J. Buchanan In the calendar of the French Revolution, Thermidor was the second month of summer. On 9 Thermidor (July 27, 1794), Robespierre was guillotined and the Reign of Terror came to an end. Thermidor has thus come to mean the turning point in a revolution, when the …

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Martyr of the War Party

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by Patrick J. Buchanan The conviction of Scooter Libby on four counts of perjury and obstruction of justice is first of all a human tragedy. A man who served his country at the highest level, who sat in every morning at the senior staff meeting in the Roosevelt Room of …

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Who Will Stop The Next War?

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by Patrick J. Buchanan– American Conservative Magazine If Americans sickened by the carnage of Iraq wish to stop an even more disastrous war on Iran, they had best get cracking. For the “On-to-Baghdad!” boys are back, warning us that the only way to prevent an atom bomb from being detonated …

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Corruption in the Schools

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by Patrick J. Buchanan – March 6, 2007 Fifty years ago this October, Americans were jolted by the news that Moscow, one year after drowning the Hungarian Revolution in blood, had put an 80-pound satellite into Earth orbit. In December, the U.S. Navy tried to replicate the feat. Vanguard got …

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Fresh Troops – Or Fresh Thinking?

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by Patrick J. Buchanan – March 2, 2007 Six years after Donald Rumsfeld agreed to a second tour of duty as secretary of defense, to rebuild the military, Chief of Staff Peter Schoomaker told Congress his Army “will break” if not relieved of the present burdens. Colin Powell says the …

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