The Dark Side of Diversity

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by Patrick J. Buchanan Since the massacre of 32 students and teachers at Virginia Tech, the mainstream media have obsessed over the fact the crazed gunman was able to buy a Glock in the state of Virginia. Little attention has been paid to the Richmond legislators who voted to make …

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Too Much Tolerance

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by Patrick J. Buchanan Cho Seung-Hui did not live the life he wanted. But on Monday, on the Blacksburg campus of Virginia Tech, Cho ended his life the way he wanted. And because of those two hours of slaughter and suicide, Cho attained the immortality he craved. He carried out …

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Wolfie’s Bank

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by Patrick J. Buchanan Barracks language edited out, Tommy Franks once referred to the Pentagon’s No. 3, Doug Feith, as “the dumbest guy on the planet.” It now appears Gen. Franks’ honorific better applies to Feith’s boss, the Pentagon No. 2, Paul Wolfowitz. For a man once hailed as the …

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The Imus Lynch Party

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by Patrick J. Buchanan In the end, it was not about Imus. It was about us. Are we really a better country because, after he was publicly whipped for 10 days as the worst kind of racist, with whom no decent person could associate, he was thrown off the air? …

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What Lack of Courage Cost

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by Patrick J. Buchanan As Chairman Carl Levin of Senate Armed Services conceded Sunday, Congress is not going to de-fund the war in Iraq, even if Bush vetoes every Democratic timetable for withdrawal. The war will go on – backed by a Democratic Congress. If Majority Leader Reid is not …

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PJB – 1994: Of Truth and Tolerance… at Easter

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This is one of my favorite PJB columns. He wrote it in 1994, but it could have been written this morning! May Christ bless all of you and your families this Easter! ——— Of Truth and Tolerance… at Easter by Patrick J. Buchanan – April 3, 1994 “Truly, this was …

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Magnanimous Mahmoud

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by Patrick J. Buchanan The Easter pardon by Iran’s Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of the 15 British sailors and Marines, seized by Iranian Revolutionary Guards in waters off the Iraqi coast, two weeks ago, ends the crisis. And as the beaming smile of President Ahmadinejad, as he graciously accepted apologies from the …

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Interventions Without End?

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by Patrick J. Buchanan “Whatever happens in Iraq, retreat from the world is not an option,” wrote Financial Times columnist Philip Stephens last weekend. Why not? Because a world map highlighting those regions where the West’s vital resources are located would exactly overlap a map highlighting those regions where state …

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