Conservatism is a Tower of Babel

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by Patrick J. Buchanan “I was conservative yesterday, I’m a conservative today, and I will be a conservative tomorrow,” declared Fred Thompson to the Conservative Party of New York, billing himself as the “consistent conservative” in the GOP race – in contrast to ex-mayor Rudy Giuliani. In his defense, Rudy …

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The Global-Warming Hucksters

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by Patrick J. Buchanan The scaremongers are not always wrong. The Trojans should have listened to Cassandra. But history shows that the scaremongers are usually wrong. Parson Malthus predicted mass starvation 250 years ago, as the population was growing geometrically, doubling each generation, while agricultural production was going arithmetically, by …

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Unfit for Command

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by Patrick J. Buchanan Observing Speaker Nancy Pelosi and a Democratic House imperil a U.S.-Turkish alliance of 60 years – by formally charging Turkey with genocide in a 1915 massacre of the Armenians – the question comes to mind: Does this generation have the maturity to lead America? About the …

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George W. Bush, Globalist

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by Patrick J. Buchanan Have the Bush Republicans ceased to be reliable custodians of American sovereignty? So it would seem. President George W. Bush began well. He rejected the Kyoto Protocol on global warming negotiated by Vice President Al Gore as both injurious to the economy and rooted in questionable …

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The Scramble for America

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by Patrick J. Buchanan What is it that distinguishes Bush Republicanism from the Coolidge, Taft, Eisenhower and Reagan varieties? Four major issues come to mind. Bush is a “Big Government conservative” who repudiated the “government-is-the-problem” philosophy of Reagan. His No Child Left Behind program, doubling the size of the Department …

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Hillary a Shoo-in? Not By a Long Shot

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by Patrick J. Buchanan With President Bush reaching new lows in national polls, Christian conservatives threatening to bolt if Rudy is the nominee and the Iraq war bleeding support in Middle America, Republicans are in a funk about 2008. And understandably and deservedly so. The war, a product of hubris, …

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Is Belgium Breaking Up?

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by Patrick J. Buchanan All politics are local, said “Tip” O’Neill. Not so. It is more true to say that all politics are tribal. For the 1991 prediction of Arthur Schlesinger – “Ethnic and racial conflict, it now seems evident, will soon replace the conflict of ideologies as the explosive …

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Infantile Nation

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by Patrick J. Buchanan Does this generation possess the gravitas to lead the world? Considering the hysteria that greeted the request of Iran’s Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to lay a wreath at Ground Zero, the answer is no. What is it about this tiny man that induces such irrationality? Answer: He is …

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