Are All Men Created Equal? By Patrick Buchanan

Are All Men Created Equal?

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Where is the historic, scientific or empirical proof of the defining dogma of American democracy that “all men are created equal”? Ideology is political religion, said the conservative sage Russell Kirk. And what is the defining dogma of the political religion, or ideology, of America in 2022? Is it not …

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Is Biden Right? Does the Left Own the Future? By Patrick Buchanan

Is Biden Right? Does the Left Own the Future?

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There is another reason Biden would like to force Republicans to identify their goals. Naming them would reveal the divisions inside the GOP on priorities and open Republicans up to the kind of attacks the GOP is mounting against Biden’s agenda. Before he appeared at his first solo news conference …

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Who Is Killing 10,000 Black Americans Every Year?

Who Is Killing 10,000 Black Americans Every Year?

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Listening to Wray, one came away with the impression that right-wing terrorism was our foremost internal security issue, that the Jan. 6 riot was a manifestation of that terrorism, and that white supremacists top the list of dangerous enemies inside our own country. “Unfortunately, Jan. 6 was not an isolated …

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US Embraces a Diversity China Fears

US Embraces a Diversity China Fears

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“Our diversity is our strength.” But is that cliché true? Where is the scientific, historical or empirical evidence for the proposition that the greater the religious, racial, tribal and ethnic diversity of a nation, the stronger it becomes?    To put it mildly, this is not a universally held belief. …

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Does Our Diversity Portend Disintegration?

Does Our Diversity Portend Disintegration?

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Is there no limit to the racial, religious, ideological, political, cultural and ethnic diversity the nation can accommodate before it splinters into its component parts? After nine people were shot to death by a public transit worker, who then killed himself in San Jose, the latest mass murder in America, …

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All the Chips Are on the Table Now

All the Chips Are on the Table Now

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On the court issue, Democrats are exhibiting something akin to panic. They are warning that if a conservative jurist like Barrett is confirmed, Democrats may retaliate by “packing” the Supreme Court — increasing the number of justices from nine to 11 and installing two new liberals — if they win …

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The Progressive Racism of the Ivy League

The Progressive Racism of the Ivy League

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Is it praiseworthy to advance Hispanic applicants over Asian applicants with far higher test scores and academic achievements? Why? What did these Chinese, Korean, Filipino and Vietnamese high school seniors do to deserve discrimination in the country to which their parents came where, supposedly, “All men are created equal”? If …

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Rising Diversity Is Joe Biden's Worry, Too

Rising Diversity Is Joe Biden’s Worry, Too

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Today, Democrats are pushing for amnesty and a path to citizenship not only for the DACA “Dreamers” but also the 11 million to 22 million other immigrants here illegally. Democrats may be found enlarging the electorate anywhere they can, even if it means allowing convicted felons and prison inmates to …

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