There is no vital U.S. interest in Syria's civil war worth shedding the blood of American soldier

What Should Americans Die For?

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by Patrick J. Buchanan “The American people are weary. They don’t want boots on the ground. I don’t want boots on the ground. The worst thing the United States could do right now is put boots on the ground in Syria.” That was the leading Senate hawk favoring U.S. intervention …

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Who Are the War Criminals in Syria

Who Are the War Criminals in Syria?

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Last week, several polls came out assessing U.S. public opinion on intervention in Syria. According to the Huffington Post poll, Americans oppose U.S. air strikes on Syria by 3-to-1. They oppose sending arms to the rebels by 4-to-1. They oppose putting U.S. ground troops into Syria by 14-to-1. Democrats, Republicans …

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Their War Not Ours

Their War, Not Ours

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“The worst mistake of my presidency,” said Ronald Reagan of his decision to put Marines into the middle of Lebanon’s civil war, where 241 died in a suicide bombing of their barracks. And if Barack Obama plunges into Syria’s civil war, it could consume his presidency, even as Iraq consumed …

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War Korea

Is War With North Korea Inevitable?

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“If you see 10 troubles coming down the road, you can be sure that nine will run into the ditch before they reach you,” said Calvin Coolidge, who ever counseled patience over the rash response. Unfortunately, the troubles presented by North Korea’s Kim Jong Un seem unlikely to run into …

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Who Killed the New Majority?

Who Killed the New Majority?

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The Republican National Committee has produced an “autopsy” on what went wrong in 2012, when the party failed to win the White House and lost seats in Congress. Yet, the crisis of the Grand Old Party goes back much further. First, some history. The Frank Lloyd Wright of the New …

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Goading Gullible America Into War

Goading Gullible America Into War

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As President Obama departed for Israel, there came a startling report. Bashar Assad’s regime had used poison gas on Syrian rebels. Two Israeli Cabinet members claimed credible evidence. Justice Minister Tzipi Livni said, “It’s clear for us that (gas is) being used. … This … should be on the table …

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Was Iraq Worth It?

Was Iraq Worth It?

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Ten years ago today, U.S. air, sea and land forces attacked Iraq. And the great goals of Operation Iraqi Freedom? Destroy the chemical and biological weapons Saddam Hussein had amassed to use on us or transfer to al-Qaida for use against the U.S. homeland. Exact retribution for Saddam’s complicity in …

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Pat Buchanan on the Radio

Buchanan: Anti-interventionism is On the Rise in the GOP

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By Jeff Poor, Media Reporter – Listen at The Daily Caller On Laura Ingraham’s Monday radio show, conservative commentator Pat Buchanan said the anti-interventionist foreign policy views of Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul are catching on. Buchanan, author of “Suicide of a Superpower: Will America Survive to 2025?,” took particular aim …

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