Failed Coup of a Failing Establishment

Failed Coup of a Failing Establishment

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Tuesday, Trump takes his nationally televised victory lap in the U.S. Capitol with his State of the Union address, as triumphant Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and a humiliated Speaker Nancy Pelosi sit silently side-by-side behind him. It has been a bad few days for the establishment, really bad. In a …

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A Malicious Indictment Mitch Should Toss Out

A Malicious Indictment Mitch Should Toss Out

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So weak is the case for impeachment that the elite in this city is demanding that the Senate do the work the House failed to do. About the impeachment of President Donald Trump she engineered with her Democratic majority, Nancy Pelosi said Wednesday: “It’s not personal. It’s not political. It’s …

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Let the People Decide Trump's Fate

Let the People Decide Trump’s Fate

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How is it bribery for a president, responsible for seeing that the laws are faithfully executed, to insist that a regime dependent on U.S. aid investigate a conflict of interest and potential corruption when the enriched beneficiary is the son of the vice president of the USA? Was there linkage …

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Where Are the 'High Crimes'?

Where Are the ‘High Crimes’?

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Should Biden be nominated and elected, a special prosecutor would have to be appointed to investigate this smelly deal, as well as the $1 billion Hunter got for his equity fund from the Chinese after his father visited the Middle Kingdom. “Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.” These …

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'Heartbroken' Pelosi Fast-Tracks Impeachment

‘Heartbroken’ Pelosi Fast-Tracks Impeachment

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For three years, the media-deep state axis has sought to overturn the election of 2016 and bring down Trump, starting with Russia-gate. Now it appears to have tailored and weaponized the impeachment process… This is what the deep state does to outsiders Middle America sends to Washington to challenge or …

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Joe Biden: Impeachment's First Casualty

Joe Biden: Impeachment’s First Casualty

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By making Ukraine the focus of the impeachment drive in the House, Pelosi has also assured that the questionable conduct of Biden and son Hunter Biden will be front and center for the next four months before Iowa votes. Even before seeing the transcript of the July 25 call between …

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Will 'Ukraine-Gate' Imperil Biden's Bid?

Will ‘Ukraine-Gate’ Imperil Biden’s Bid?

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Said Joe on Saturday, “I have never spoken to my son about his various business dealings.” Is this credible? With the revelation by an intel community “whistleblower” that President Donald Trump, in a congratulatory call to the new president of Ukraine, pushed him repeatedly to investigate the Joe Biden family …

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