Our Real Existential Crisis -- Extinction

Our Real Existential Crisis — Extinction

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The Death of the West is not a prediction of what is going to happen. It is a depiction of what is happening now. First World nations are dying. If Western elites were asked to name the greatest crisis facing mankind, climate change would win in a walk. Thus did …

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Is 'Little Rocket Man' Winning?

Is ‘Little Rocket Man’ Winning?

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If U.S. sanctions are insufficient to force Kim to “denuclearize,” as seems apparent, is Trump prepared to force him to do so? As of Dec. 26, Kim Jong Un’s “Christmas gift” to President Donald Trump had not arrived. Most foreign policy analysts predict it will be a missile test more …

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Will the Secessionist Epidemic Ever End?

Will the Secessionist Epidemic Ever End?

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If the secessionism epidemic is to someday expire, then its causes will have to be addressed. And what are they? Fresh from his triumphal “Get Brexit Done!” campaign, Prime Minister Boris Johnson anticipates a swift secession from the European Union. But if Britain secedes from the EU, warns Scotland’s first …

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'Locked and Loaded' for War on Iran?

‘Locked and Loaded’ for War on Iran?

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The War Party is giddy with excitement over the prospect of war with Iran, while the nation does not want another war. “Iran has launched an unprecedented attack on the world’s energy supply,” declared Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. Putting America’s credibility on the line, Pompeo accused Iran of carrying …

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If the Army Stands With Maduro, What Is Plan B?

If the Army Stands With Maduro, What Is Plan B?

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“Pay the soldiers. The rest do not matter.” This was the deathbed counsel given to his sons by Roman Emperor Septimius Severus in A.D. 211. Nicolas Maduro must today appreciate the emperor’s insight. For the political survival of this former bus driver and union boss hangs now upon whether Venezuela’s …

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Can America Fight Two Cold Wars at Once?

Can America Fight Two Cold Wars at Once?

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Kim Jong Un, angered by the newest U.S. sanctions, is warning that North Korea’s commitment to denuclearization could be imperiled and we could be headed for “exchanges of fire.” Iran, warns Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, is testing ballistic missiles that are forbidden to them by the U.N. Security Council. …

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Will Paris Riots Scuttle Climate Accord?

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In Katowice, Poland, all the signers of the 2015 Paris climate accord are gathered to assess how the world’s nations are meeting their goals to cut carbon emissions. Certainly, the communications strategy in the run-up was impressive. In October came that apocalyptic U.N. report warning that the world is warming …

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Has Russia Given Up on the West?

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By the end of his second term, President Ronald Reagan, who had called the Soviet Union an “evil empire,” was strolling through Red Square with Russians slapping him on the back. Bliss was it in that dawn to be alive. And how have we husbanded the fruits of our Cold …

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