Can Poland Be Poland -- and Stay in the EU?

Can Poland Be Poland — and Stay in the EU?

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The questions raised by the rebellious Poles are fundamental: Which takes precedence, when they come into conflict, Poland’s constitution and Poland’s laws, or the laws of the European Union? “Let Poland be Poland!” That was the call of American conservatives, four decades ago, when the Solidarity movement of labor leader …

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EU to Orban: Back Gay Rights or Get Out!

EU to Orban: Back Gay Rights or Get Out!

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What is the source of the morality that teaches same-sex unions are the equal of traditional marriage and any government that does not agree is a bigoted regime with which we ought not associate? Respect LBGT rights or get out of the EU, Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte instructed Hungary’s …

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Will Bishops Deny Biden Communion?

Will Bishops Deny Biden Communion?

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Biden will be pressed to speak to the issue of abortion and the bishops’ decision to deny him Communion. His attendance at Mass and taking Communion will become matters of deepening controversy… And he will be charged with hypocrisy — for pretending to be the kind of Catholic that a …

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A Cancer On the Papacy?

A Cancer On the Papacy

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“Priests who prey on parochial school children and altar boys are not only sinners, they are criminal predators who belong in penitentiary cells not parish rectories….” This summer, the sex scandal that has bedeviled the Catholic Church went critical. First came the stunning revelation that Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, former archbishop …

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The Passion and Its Enemies

The Passion and Its Enemies

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Why do a handful of writers continue to rage that the film is a moral atrocity, a horror, the product of a deranged or anti-Semitic mind? Why do they hate “The Passion of the Christ” so? Originally published at The American Conservative Magazine At the Latin Mass at old St. …

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An Index of Catholicism’s Decline

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As the Watergate scandal of 1973-1974 diverted attention from the far greater tragedy unfolding in Southeast Asia, so, too, the scandal of predator-priests now afflicting the Catholic Church may be covering up a far greater calamity. Thirty-seven years after the end of the only church council of the 20th century, …

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