Is the Establishment Still Terrified of Trump?

Is the Establishment Still Terrified of Trump?

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The establishment fears that Trump could make a comeback, win the Republican primaries in 2024, become the nominee, and return in triumph as president. They are determined to abort that possibility. Many openly admit it. As soon as the Senate received the lone article of impeachment accusing President Donald Trump …

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Last Best Chance to Capture Supreme Court

Last Best Chance to Capture Supreme Court

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Are there Republicans who would really walk away from this last, best chance to secure the court, simply because the process offends their sense of proper procedure? This may be a hard vote for Murkowski, Collins and a few other Republicans. But to vote down a qualified conservative nominee, on …

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2020: Year of the Democrats? Maybe Not

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If Democrats are optimistic as 2019 begins, it is understandable. Their victory on Nov. 6, adding 40 seats and taking control of the House of Representatives, was impressive. And with the party’s total vote far exceeding the GOP total, in places it became a rout. In the six New England …

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Casualty Lists From the Kavanaugh Battle

Casualty Lists From the Kavanaugh Battle

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After a 50-year siege, the great strategic fortress of liberalism has fallen. With the elevation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh, the Supreme Court seems secure for constitutionalism — perhaps for decades. The shrieks from the gallery of the Senate chamber as the vote came in on Saturday, and the sight of …

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We Are All Deplorables Now

We Are All Deplorables Now

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Four days after he described Christine Blasey Ford, the accuser of Judge Brett Kavanaugh, as a “very credible witness,” President Donald Trump could no longer contain his feelings or constrain his instincts. With the fate of his Supreme Court nominee in the balance, Trump let his “Make America Great Again” …

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