A Multicultural Mugging of Uncle Joe

A Multicultural Mugging of Uncle Joe

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“Everybody’s talking about how terrible I am on these issues,” wailed Biden. He fought back gamely. But he also stammered, mumbled, misspoke and some of his answers seemed to be canned rebuttals. In his opening statement at Wednesday’s Democratic debate in Detroit, Joe Biden addressed Donald Trump while pointing proudly …

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Are Democrats Ceding the Center to Trump?

Are Democrats Ceding the Center to Trump?

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Other problems have now arisen for the Democrats because of the issues that have come to the fore: race, radicalism and the border. None looks like a winning Democratic issue in November 2020. Since the Democratic debates in June, the tide seems to have receded for the party and its …

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Joe Biden

Will Joe Repudiate His Segregationist Friends?

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The Democratic Party, the oldest party on earth, was from its founding to the final third of the 20th century, the bastion of slavery, secession and segregation. “Apologize for what? Cory should apologize. He knows better. There’s not a racist bone in my body.” Thus did a stung Joe Biden …

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Are Abortion & Gay Rights American Values?

Are Abortion & Gay Rights American Values?

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What are these “values” of which politicians incessantly talk? Are they immutable? Or do they change with the changing times? “My religion defines who I am. And I’ve been a practicing Catholic my whole life,” said Vice President Joe Biden in 2012. “I accept my church’s position on abortion as …

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A Nation at War With Itself

A Nation at War With Itself

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The media are already salivating over the possible removal of a president they have come to loathe more than their great nemeses of the 20th century — Joe McCarthy and Richard Nixon. And the media will reward those who echo the call for impeachment… President Donald Trump has decided to …

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2020: Socialist America or Trump's America?

2020: Socialist America or Trump’s America?

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And what would then happen if the Democrats simply held the House, added three Senate seats and defeated Trump in 2020? In the new Democratic Party, where women and people of color are to lead, and the white men are to stand back, the presidential field has begun to sort …

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Why Autocrats Are Replacing Democrats

Why Autocrats Are Replacing Democrats

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“If you look at Trump in America or Bolsonaro in Brazil, you see that people now want politicians who are tough enough to do what they promise,” said Spanish businessman Juan Carlos Perez Carreno. The Spaniard was explaining to The New York Times what lay behind the rise of Vox, …

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No, This Is Not JFK’s Democratic Party

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Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s House has more women, persons of color and LGBT members than any House in history — and fewer white males. And Thursday, the day Rashida Tlaib was sworn in, her hand on a Quran, our first Palestinian-American congresswoman showed us what we may expect. As a rally …

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