Trumpism Lives On!

Trumpism Lives On!

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The American electorate failed to perform its designated role in the establishment’s morality play. Indeed, Democrats ended Tuesday night terrified that America had again turned its back on them and preferred Trump to the leaders and agenda they had put forth. Donald Trump may end up losing the 2020 election …

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Can Trump Pull a Second Rabbit Out of the Hat?

Can Trump Pull a Second Rabbit Out of the Hat?

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Still, this thing is not over. For, at this stage of the 2016 campaign, Hillary Clinton was showing equally impressive poll numbers, and she would go on to lose all eight of those battleground states in the greatest upset since Harry Truman defeated Tom Dewey in 1948. “Apres moi, la …

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All the Chips Are on the Table Now

All the Chips Are on the Table Now

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On the court issue, Democrats are exhibiting something akin to panic. They are warning that if a conservative jurist like Barrett is confirmed, Democrats may retaliate by “packing” the Supreme Court — increasing the number of justices from nine to 11 and installing two new liberals — if they win …

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Why DC Statehood Is a Suicidal Gamble

Why DC Statehood Is a Suicidal Gamble

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On Tuesday, the mayor’s office made national news by releasing a list of monuments and memorials in Washington that should be “removed, replaced or contextualized.” Among them are the Washington Monument, the Jefferson Memorial and Columbus’ statue at Union Station… D.C. is unrepresentative of America and undeserving in any way …

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As the Filibuster Goes, So Goes the GOP

As the Filibuster Goes, So Goes the GOP

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After abolishing the filibuster, says Obama, Democrats should ram through statehood for Puerto Rico and D.C., thereby expanding the Senate to 104 members, and adding four new Democratic senators. That new Senate, says Obama, should enact every law possible to enlarge and expand the electorate, including extending the ballot to …

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