Pat Buchanan

GOP Elites Call for Purge of Trump

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In the Cleveland debate, Donald Trump refused to commit to support whomever the Republican Party nominates in 2016. Trump would be wise to maintain his freedom of action. For there is a plot afoot in The Washington Post Conservative Club to purge Trump from the Republican Party before the primaries …

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Dave Brat - A Populist Path to Power?

A Populist Path to Power?

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“I hold it that a little rebellion now and then is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical.” If Thomas Jefferson’s benign reflection on Shays’ Rebellion, that uprising of farmers in 1786 and 1787, is not the first thought that comes to …

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A Left-Right Convergence?

A Left-Right Convergence?

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Last summer, in this capital of gridlock, a miracle occurred. The American people rose as one and told the government of the United States not to drag us into another Middle East war in Syria. Barack Obama was ready to launch air and missile strikes when a national uproar forced …

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A Fire Bell in the Night for the EU

A Fire Bell in the Night for the EU

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Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland has apologized for her undiplomatic “(bleep) the EU!” remark intercepted on her phone call with the U.S. ambassador to Ukraine. Yet it appears that tens of millions of Europeans share her feelings about the European Union, which they believe has arisen to rule over …

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Is This the End of ‘One Europe’?

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How Europe‘s crisis resolves itself as yet remains unknown. But with Sunday’s returns from France and Greece, the mega-trends on the Old Continent are unmistakable. And for the European Union, they are ominous. Nationalism — be it economic nationalism or ethnic nationalism — is ascendant. Transnationalism and multiculturalism are in …

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As France Goes, so Goes Europe?

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When survival is at stake, one may hear from a politician not what he believes — but what he thinks the people deciding his fate wish to hear. By that standard, what do the people of France, in the final weeks of their presidential election, wish to hear from their …

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Pat Buchanan on Ron Paul, the Internet and Ethnic Politics in the 21st Century

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By The Daily Bell Daily Bell: Everyone knows who you are but let’s pretend they don’t. Give us some background on yourself and how you have come to your current success. Give us a sense of your intellectual development. Pat Buchanan: I went to journalism school right after college and …

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How Capital Crushed Labor

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Once, it was a Labor Day tradition for Democrats to go to Cadillac Square in Detroit to launch their campaigns in that forge and furnace of American democracy, the greatest industrial center on earth. Democrats may still honor the tradition. But Detroit is not what she was, not remotely. And …

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