Will Midterms Be Biden's Last Hurrah? By Patrick Buchanan

Will Midterms Be Biden’s Last Hurrah?

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Alexander Hamilton in the Federalist Papers wrote of “energy in the executive” as being an indispensable attribute of good government. Does Biden, with his shuffling gait, regular gaffes, and physical and cognitive decline manifest that attribute of which Hamilton wrote? For half a decade now, America’s media elite have been …

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Biden Holds a Losing Hand

Biden Holds a Losing Hand

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When one views his diminished mental capacities and the issues menu before him, it seems a certainty that we are not looking at a two-term president. As President Joe Biden’s poll numbers sank this fall, and the presidentially ambitious in his party began to stir, the White House put out …

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Bad Moon Rising for Biden -- and Us

Bad Moon Rising for Biden — and Us

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So it was that, in the first August of the Biden presidency, the U.S. suffered defeat in its longest war, underwent a humiliating evacuation under the guns of its enemies, continued to endure the worst plague in 100 years, and saw an invasion of its southern border by illegal migrants …

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Is America Becoming a Failed State?

Is America Becoming a Failed State?

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Biden is failing in his first constitutional duty — to defend the United States from foreign invasion. We Americans no longer decide who comes into our national home and whom we shall adopt as new citizens… We defend the borders of scores of nations; we cannot, or Biden will not, …

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Why the Left Can't Let Go of Jan. 6

Why the Left Can’t Let Go of Jan. 6

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Every Democrat of the committee has voted to impeach Trump for Jan. 6. Both of the Republicans Pelosi put on the committee to provide bipartisan balance — Wyoming’s Liz Cheney and Illinois’ Adam Kinzinger — voted to impeach Trump last January and are the two ranking anti-Trump Republicans on Capitol …

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The Return of 'Law and Order'

The Return of ‘Law and Order’

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To secure the safety of poor communities, several elements have always been needed: police to prevent crimes and arrest the criminals who commit them, prosecutors who will put them away, and prison cells to house them. This was the formula that broke the back of the long crime wave that …

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Has the Backlash Arrived for Police-Bashing?

Has the Backlash Arrived for Police-Bashing?

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The daily reports of escalating violent crime, resulting in growing numbers of innocent wounded and dead, are inducing a fear for safety that is outstripping any fear of cops. And politicians are beginning to see the numbers shift and reacting accordingly. Consider a few of the crime numbers… Within hours …

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Will the Radical Left Reunite the GOP?

Will the Radical Left Reunite the GOP?

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The succession struggle in the GOP is now underway. But as for now, Donald Trump is The Man, and he is not going anywhere… Still, even if Trump cannot unite the Republican Party, he brings, far and away, the largest pile of chips to the table. “Our historic, patriotic and …

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