Is Impeachment Backfiring on Democrats?

Is Impeachment Backfiring on Democrats?

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The message sent by Pelosi’s call for more time before the trial, and Schumer’s call for more witnesses, is one of fear that not only could the House’s case for impeachment fail, it could be laughed out of the Senate. And the American people might be fine with that. “We’re …

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Will the Secessionist Epidemic Ever End?

Will the Secessionist Epidemic Ever End?

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If the secessionism epidemic is to someday expire, then its causes will have to be addressed. And what are they? Fresh from his triumphal “Get Brexit Done!” campaign, Prime Minister Boris Johnson anticipates a swift secession from the European Union. But if Britain secedes from the EU, warns Scotland’s first …

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Where Are the 'High Crimes'?

Where Are the ‘High Crimes’?

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Nowhere in the articles of impeachment is “treason” mentioned. Nor is “bribery” or “extortion,” the other crimes alleged. Where are the “high crimes” in this impeachment resolution? There are none. “Quid pro quo” was the accusatory Latin phrase most often used to describe President Donald Trump’s July 25 phone call …

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In Hong Kong, It's US vs. China Now

In Hong Kong, It’s US vs. China Now

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Xi Jinping is no Mikhail Gorbachev. He is not going to let his people go. He is not going to risk a revolution to overturn the Maoist Revolution he has served his entire life. At first glance, it would appear that five months of pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong had …

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Is Macron Right? Is NATO, 70, Brain Dead?

Is Macron Right? Is NATO, 70, Brain Dead?

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Among the reasons Trump is president is that he raised provocative questions about NATO and Russia left unaddressed for three decades, as U.S. policy has been on cruise control since the Cold War. A week from now, the 29 member states of “the most successful alliance in history” will meet …

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Let the People Decide Trump's Fate

Let the People Decide Trump’s Fate

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How is it bribery for a president, responsible for seeing that the laws are faithfully executed, to insist that a regime dependent on U.S. aid investigate a conflict of interest and potential corruption when the enriched beneficiary is the son of the vice president of the USA? Was there linkage …

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When Did Ukraine Become a 'Critical Ally'?

When Did Ukraine Become a ‘Critical Ally’?

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Despite constant pressure from Sen. John McCain and our neocons to bring Ukraine into NATO, wiser heads on both sides of the Atlantic rejected the idea. On hearing the State Department’s George Kent and William Taylor describe President Donald Trump’s withholding of military aid to Ukraine, The New York Times …

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Where Are the 'High Crimes'?

Where Are the ‘High Crimes’?

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Should Biden be nominated and elected, a special prosecutor would have to be appointed to investigate this smelly deal, as well as the $1 billion Hunter got for his equity fund from the Chinese after his father visited the Middle Kingdom. “Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.” These …

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