As France Goes, so Goes Europe?

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When survival is at stake, one may hear from a politician not what he believes — but what he thinks the people deciding his fate wish to hear. By that standard, what do the people of France, in the final weeks of their presidential election, wish to hear from their …

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Who Commissioned Us to Remake the World?

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U.S. Ambassador Michael McFaul, Obama’s man in Moscow, who just took up his post, has received a rude reception. And understandably so. In 1992, McFaul was the representative in Russia of the National Democratic Institute, a U.S. government-funded agency whose mission is to promote democracy abroad. The NDI has been …

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Our Innocents Abroad?

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Friday’s lead stories in The Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal dealt with what both viewed as a national affront and outrage. Egyptian soldiers, said the Post, “stormed the offices” of three U.S. “democracy-building organizations … in a dramatic escalation of a crackdown by the military-led government that could …

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The Roots of Voter Anger Go Back to 1954

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Sixty-nine percent of voters nationwide are angry with the policies of the federal government. To understand why, it’s important to remember that most voters believe tax cuts and government spending cuts are good for the economy. Collectively, voters have voted for politicians who promised spending cuts and tax cuts in …

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The Equality Racket

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Our mainstream media have discovered a new issue: inequality in America. The gap between the wealthiest 1 percent and the rest of the nation is wide and growing wider. This, we are told, is intolerable. This is a deformation of American democracy that must be corrected through remedial government action. …

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It Can’t Happen Here

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Friday, thousands in Moscow, giving Nazi salutes and carrying placards declaring, “Russia for the Russians!” marched through the city shouting racial slurs against peoples from the Caucasus. In Nigeria, Boko Haram, which is Hausa for “Western education is sacrilege,” massacred 63 people in a terror campaign to bring about sharia …

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What Is It We Wish to Conserve?

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A conservative’s task in society is “to preserve a particular people, living in a particular place during a particular time.” Jack Hunter, in a review of this writer’s new book, “Suicide of a Superpower: Will America Survive to 2025?” thus summarizes Russell Kirk‘s view of the duty of the conservative …

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The Democracy Worshipers

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“Your people, sir, is … a great beast.” So Alexander Hamilton reputedly said in an argument with Thomas Jefferson. At the Constitutional Convention of 1787, Hamilton explained: “Real liberty is not found in the extremes of democracy, but in moderate governments. If we incline too much to democracy, we shall …

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